最近耳機快壞了, $1500 內不要掛耳的有冇其他選擇?
有冇人聽過 DUNU 耳機? DN-900 or DN-1000 有咩 comment?最近耳機快壞了, $1500 內有冇其他選擇? 不要掛耳的, 注重中高頻, 只聽流行歌+女聲 if u insist on hybrid, u can go to taobao and get astrotec ax-30
pretty suitable for 流行歌+女聲
IM50, $550 terry_1109 發表於 2014-2-2 13:44 static/image/common/back.gif
if u insist on hybrid, u can go to taobao and get astrotec ax-30
pretty suitable for 流行歌+女聲
astrotec 這牌子是有名氣的? 我在用 Philips SHE 9850, 那時買都要$700, 這牌子會比我用的好嗎? 我見astrotec ax-35 都只是多 $50
補充內容 (2014-2-3 08:43):
Astrotect 連網頁都沒有? 見到有隻 Astrotect AX-7 才賣 $800, 不見在百度打 Astrotect 竟然冇野 Search 到, 看來不太可靠吧... Astrotect?? it's astrotec.......
try astrotec ax30 on google
i found plenty of info within the first few search: