buzz1229 發表於 2009-8-16 10:02

英國amazon訂king kong、The Bourne

本帖最後由 buzz1229 於 2009-8-19 14:12 編輯

見英國amazon隻king kong同The Ultimate Bourne Collection 有中字又平,所以咪去訂,網上標£11.98(king kong)、£32.98(The Ultimate Bourne Collection)已經覺得好抵,唔知點解最付款時再有減價,咁係唔係叫扣稅呢?

1 "King Kong "
Naomi Watts; Blu-ray; 瞿10.42
Sold by: Amazon EU S.a.r.L.

1 "The Ultimate Bourne Collection "
Matt Damon; Blu-ray; 瞿28.68
Sold by: Amazon EU S.a.r.L.

終於收貨,今次係第二次係uk amazon 訂野,兩次都係第五日就收到(星期六晚訂,星期三早收),真好,加d相俾各位睇下....個box set盒係銀色,好型。


stm 發表於 2009-8-16 10:46

咁咪好囉.....King Kong 有無中字架? 我都想買.......{:6_122:}

Fabregas 發表於 2009-8-16 11:09

見英國amazon隻king kong同The Ultimate Bourne Collection 有中字又平,所以咪去訂,網上標£11.98(king kong)、£32.98(The Ultimate Bourne Collection)已經覺得好抵,唔知點解最付款時再有減價,咁係唔係叫扣稅 ...
buzz1229 發表於 2009-8-16 10:02

If the item is sold by, then you can have about 13% off the price as VAT refund (ship to HK).
Don't forget that 1£ ~ HK$13.XX and the shipping cost!

buzz1229 發表於 2009-8-16 11:50

本帖最後由 buzz1229 於 2009-8-16 11:52 編輯

2# stm


ngfeiyeung 發表於 2009-8-16 12:03

If the item is sold by, then you can have about 13% off the price as VAT refund (ship to HK).
Don't forget that 1£ ~ HK$13.XX and the shipping cost!
Fabregas 發表於 2009-8-16 11:09

the VAT will be deducted automatically, or i'll need to file a claim from somewhere?
cos, i'm thinking of getting a few pre-orders

buzz1229 發表於 2009-8-16 12:05

the VAT will be deducted automatically, or i'll need to file a claim from somewhere?
ngfeiyeung 發表於 2009-8-16 12:03

In my case, the vat deducted automatically.

stm 發表於 2009-8-16 15:43

本帖最後由 stm 於 2009-8-16 15:44 編輯

how abt other countries' amazon? will they also deduct vat?
13% is not a small amount...

donbeshy 發表於 2009-8-16 16:59

Amazon JP will...and the price shows on Amazon USA doesn't include the sales tax..

stm 發表於 2009-8-18 01:21

頭先我上 amazon uk 訂左幾套碟,但係去到confirm 之前都無減到,
都係照番佢網上標價計 (轉埋港銀total 幾錢個頁)。

lamksj 發表於 2009-8-18 07:58

係唔係只要ship to hk都會有vat refund呢? 我都好想知道, 因為我上一次訂碟係冇自動扣。
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