發表於 2014-1-17 09:13
本帖最後由 lai71072 於 2014-1-17 09:14 編輯
其實好多人期待這碟出,當出了買後好自然以上一張jazz them up比較,期待似上一隻或比上隻更好一些,但出來後同期望有落差,原因其實新呢張碟的風格上同上張真係好唔同,以本人而言,一開盒第一下聽真係唔多慣,無論唱腔、歌曲編輯上同期望好唔同!但第三次聽後開始欣賞呢張碟的製作同胡琳唱腔上的改變,令胡琳更多面給我們看到丶聽到!另外,樂器上真係比上一張豐富左,使對hifi分析力的要求又高!呢隻碟真係越聽越好聽!希望胡琳可以繼續努力!亦希望大家不要抱市面會缺貨,有得炒的心態去買此碟!
發表於 2014-1-17 09:44
發表於 2014-1-17 10:32
Ken gor, good point{:6_193:} ............totally support {:6_235:}
發表於 2014-1-17 11:05
我諗有新嘗試係好事, 係值得讚.
能唔能夠駕預, 係另一回事.
發表於 2014-1-17 12:13
Thousand people have thousand views, no need to please every guy or poor guys...............{:6_238:}
發表於 2014-1-17 13:52
發表於 2014-1-17 14:22
Support Support{:6_193:}
發表於 2014-1-17 14:29
Norman 發表於 2014-1-17 13:52 static/image/common/back.gif
Very support !
發表於 2014-1-17 19:58
Just reviewed those comments on this thread and others, its fine to have different kind of feeling, perceptions and feedbacks. {:8_389:}
~~~My "feeling" to Jazz them up ONCE MORE~~~
-I'm guessing that she's performing a brand new singing style, not just only play "Jazz" (a new try), her voice was still attractive.
-The voice was recorded in really analog, that let me to remember "Jennifer Warns" 's **The WELL** album.
-Some tracks were quite good in dynamic , soundstage and details handling.
-The price is bit higher.
-I think its an easy listening pop song album anytime, don't treat it as a serious classical recording.
My favorites:
02. 月半彎 ( a quiz to Bianca )
03. 敬啟者之愛是全奉獻 ( like the melody )
09. 如果這是情 ( personal reasons )
我收左錢? No la, ;-)
Overall it is a good album to any kind of music listener, should have no regrets, not just only to audiophile, enjoy! {:1_351:}
Well, to state what audio gears that I've been listening for this CD album
Setup 1.
iPhone 5s + in-ear phone (No headamp.)
Via this setup, I found that there audio details were quite amazing, the female voice was far more better than the general CD in HK. But the background "sound" should be well controlled next time, overall it was a good album "in HK".
But in this setup cannot revive the soundstage entirely.
Setup 2.
Marantz SACDP + Marantz Amp + UK middle size loudspeakers + ( all DIY cables )
Via this inexpensive audio setup, each note texture was more detail, the instruments’ effects were splendid and vivid!!The female voice is more analog than other nowadays CD( comfortable ), but still the weak points were the background "sound" which was notable in some tracks, not sure what the issue is and what they are ?
發表於 2014-1-17 20:11