買 USB 線有乜好介紹 budget < 2k ?
請問 各 c hing1k to 2 k 嘅 USB 線有乜好介紹 ? thx ! 試下呢條http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.5.0.0.PoCpXs&id=17581045993 There are many ching bring in USB cables to our showroom.I think the iFi USB cable is pretty good.There are some other very hot cables in forums but not performing as good as what people said in forum.I think iFi benefits from separating power wires from signal wires and it has good vibration damping.It is not as good as the reference we use which is Locus Audio Axis but pretty close (Locus Audio cable is not available any more as the designer passed away).And when I tested it, I did not use a separate clean power, I just plug the 2 USB input to 2 USB ports on my music server to make sure it is a fair comparison.