shum 發表於 2011-5-30 11:30

But i think my place is abit over size for Mps2510p, What do u think , if i change the LCR to JBL? ( cause i am thinking to buy a set for 2 channel ) . Or just make the JBL for both purpose? ( AV & 2 channeL? )

10bucks360 發表於 2011-6-8 11:23

美國M&K Profucksional 7.2 [P.1已更新相片]

But i think my place is abit over size for Mps2510p, What do u think , if i change the LCR to JBL? ( cause i am thinking to buy a set for 2 channel ) . Or just make the JBL for both purpose? ( AV & 2 channeL? )

2510P is enough for 20"
JBL is good for 2ch and maybe AV
but i think the sound may not match if combine both JBL and M&K

If I am you
I will keep M&K for movie and buy additional JBL for music

tiggerjason 發表於 2011-6-20 16:39

嘩! 師兄, 勁呀!
用盡整個聽去做A{:6_193:}V ROOM!
吚, 你屋企似係粉嶺啵! 同我屋企既間格好似!{:6_184:}

marks886 發表於 2011-6-28 23:14


Let-Go 發表於 2011-7-3 12:43


civic 發表於 2011-7-3 12:47

{:6_212:}{:6_212:}{:6_193:} 好好

10bucks360 發表於 2011-7-4 04:49

美國M&K Profucksional 7.2 [P.1已更新相片]

嘩! 師兄, 勁呀!
用盡整個聽去做A{:6_193:}V ROOM!
吚, 你屋企似係粉嶺啵! 同我屋企既間格好似!{:6_184:}

In fanling

mancity 發表於 2011-7-4 12:27

Very good!
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

firelun 發表於 2011-7-19 19:42

M&K 好利害!

manKi 發表於 2011-10-2 14:09

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查看完整版本: 美國M&K Profucksional 7.2 home theater + CAS

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