rayben 發表於 2014-1-7 13:07


本帖最後由 rayben 於 2014-1-7 13:09 編輯



Native Double-rate DSD(up to 5.6MHz)
Dual CS4398 DAC for True Dual-Mono
Balanced Output
Aircraft Grade Duralumin Body
Wi-Fi Music Downloading
256GB, plus 1 microSD slot

scene030112 發表於 2014-1-7 13:20


t1174 發表於 2014-1-7 13:29

本帖最後由 t1174 於 2014-1-7 13:38 編輯

akr02dma 好像有了, fb 見過. 成10k.......{:6_191:}

ak240 看spec 好強下, 不過好像只是有 balance out至有用, 希望可以比, 不過比 120 大力好多啦(數字上是1.5 上到 2.1 SE/2.3 BALANCE),不過個樣呢.(好厚).....{:6_192:}

希望可以聽到 DEMO~

rayben 發表於 2014-1-7 13:35

t1174 發表於 2014-1-7 13:29 static/image/common/back.gif
akr02dma 好像有了, fb 見過. 成10k.......

ak240 看spec 好強下, 不過好像只是有 balance ou ...

DxA 泛x
Astell & Kern最新發燒級耳機AKR02現已隆重登場!可換線式設計,日本製造,定價$9980{:8_385:}

Andykong 發表於 2014-1-7 13:53

本帖最後由 Andykong 於 2014-1-7 18:14 編輯

個外形,我唯有認我唔 artistic, 唔識欣賞,雖然話買機求好聲,但 US$2400 喎!


竟然放棄 Wolfson 轉去 Circus Logic?真的很 surprise!

HeadFi 個邊見到 Winnie (Red Wine Audio) 的 comment,真係忍唔到笑,差 D 比同事以為我偷睇 4 仔!{:1_341:}

I definitely prefer the WM8741 to a CS4398 - I can't think of any reason why they went with CS4398 except to get better battery life, and lower cost.CS4398 is less power hungry and cheaper, but I'll take WM8741 any day of the week!Or an AKM4396 dac....

They could have also done native DSD with the WM8741, and could of ran the WM8741 in software mode to allow the user to change the digital filters via the screen menus (e.g. Linear phase filter, minimal phase filter).That would have been so sweet.

For the $2400 asking price (that is what I read on DAR's Facebook page), I would have loved to also see:

-- The enclosure more useful in terms of fitting a bigger battery to get better play time
-- More onboard storage (256GB is good, but 2 x 256GB on board would make me drool!)
-- Fitting an analog volume control instead of a digital one like they've been doing.   
-- A design focused on sound that could beat out many DAP + headphone amp combos and drive almost any headphone out there (with low, med, and high gain settings).
-- The AK100/AK120 screen size is fine.Save the space for a kick ass headphone stage!

Hopefully it sounds excellent and better than any other DAP since it will top them all on price.   I wish them all the best with it as they have been pushing the envelope with DAPs and I'm sure it has been a lot of hard work in doing so, and frustrating and rewarding at the same time. I'm looking forward to listening to one, but I won't be at CES unfortunately.



LOL - everyone was complaining about the AK120 price and that nobody would buy it for $1299.
Well, I know they are selling because I sell and mod a lot of them - more than the AK100.I did not expect that...

It would be a big laugh on us all of they have record sales with the AK240.

If it is worth $2.4k to someone and they have the $$$ to spend, let them enjoy it - even if you think they are crazy.

Actually, I think we both know that some of those AK120 sales are because you make the DAP more viable for buyers who wouldn't otherwise be tempted.
Thank you - and this is the feedback that I have received.But I have already received emails if I'll be doing anything with the AK240.I'm really not sure at this point if it will beworth doing anything or not.Even after modded, it would have to sound a lot better than the RWAK120 / 120-S / 120-B and with the switch from Wolfson to Cirrus Logic, I'm not so sure about it.We'll see, but I think the AK240 is more about more features than best possible sound.I hope I am wrong...

Sorry, Quote 得長左,因為真心笑左,仲要係由因為改 AK 機而賺到笑既 Red Wine Audio 來講先最正!

scene030112 發表於 2014-1-7 13:58


t1174 發表於 2014-1-7 14:07

USD$2400 不是問題, 就是出乜聲音推成點先. 要知其實一個 好的PORTABLE SOURCE, 一個 SOURCE, 一個 DAC, 一個 AMP, 成分3文治 也萬萬聲.

但是市場上就是重沒有一個夠能力的DAP(要知同 N年前D DISCMAN 比. DISCMAN 有簡單的CD打底的優勢, DAP 就是有HI-RES FILE, 還是唔太比得上)

rayben 發表於 2014-1-7 14:11

scene030112 發表於 2014-1-7 13:58 static/image/common/back.gif

Final Audio Design FI-BA-SS $8,999 行貨

AKR02 $9,980 行貨 (可換線式設計)


scene030112 發表於 2014-1-7 14:12

rayben 發表於 2014-1-7 14:11 static/image/common/back.gif
Final Audio Design FI-BA-SS $8,999 行貨

AKR02 $9,980 行貨 (可換線式設計)


SDH 發表於 2014-1-7 14:15

其實唔係好厚, 17.5mm
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查看完整版本: AK240,AKR02(headphone)

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