CosmicHolyGhost 發表於 2014-1-6 11:21 static/image/common/back.gif
I agree that the control is not very smooth and a bit sensitive.
I do have my worry about using...
DX100 is still the reference player after 1.5 years, that is amazing.
Flxed at 3.8V based battery is definitely an issue regarding "sufficient for powering two DAC chips and additional Opamps", they need to raised the voltage in order to meet the requirements of the DAC chips and Opamps, and if they promised to maintain similar play hours, I am sure there will be compromised because of that.
In fact, even maintain the same replaceable battery approach, there are bigger mobile phone battery to go for.My LG battery is 3140mAH, larger in surface area but very thin, I think it is an ideal "upgrade" from the Samsung S3 battery which is 2100mAH only.Since the two batteries are both 3.8V based only different in capacity, you should be able to retain the current power circuit and replace the battery cabinet with a new one that fit for the new battery, the changes will be very easy to implement, but most likely will involve a new chassis.
In addition, there is a 4600mAh S3 Extended Battery, same dimension but thicker, and I am sure we don't mind the DX90 get a few mm thicker in order to enable higher power for the circuit and/or longer duration. 電池真是五十仔的死穴 本帖最後由 Andykong 於 2014-1-6 13:10 編輯
CosmicHolyGhost 發表於 2014-1-6 12:40 static/image/common/back.gif
以高級機計,呢個係 bottleneck!
PS: DX100 粒電池得 2000mAH 炸,陰公!
Andykong 發表於 2014-1-6 13:08 static/image/common/back.gif
以高級機計,呢個係 bottleneck!
不過好貴 CosmicHolyGhost 發表於 2014-1-6 13:17 static/image/common/back.gif
對摩機興趣不大, 除非部機有「錯」需要紏正, 否則改機會係最後途徑, 多數情況係賣機 upgrade 其他產品!