用緊Y記N年前AV Amp, per out 去Roksan M2, 想搵件假鬼妹CA551, 651襯番件純正英國佬. 我主要係聽2ch多, 有冇需要用到651 or 751? 同時嚟三隻除咗$之外, 分別在哪裡{:1_331:} 主要係聽 2ch 多就不如大換血過 hi-fi 區問下啦 ... 聽二聲道仲買AV機黎做嘜 聽歌緊係買2ch amp la 聽二聲道仲買AV機黎做嘜x2,玩美國前後{:6_193:} ww1338 發表於 2013-12-27 22:57 static/image/common/back.gif聽二聲道仲買AV機黎做嘜x2,玩美國前後
Buy int. amp la
Accurphase....Luxman.....etc Dear all Ching,
I am so sorry to mislead you. I means that I am using Roksan M2 for AV by-pass to control the front speaks. Now I want to changing the old AV amp instead of 551r or 661r. Whether I need to pay more money on the 661r? Sometime I will see the concert blue-ray @ home.
heven 發表於 2013-12-28 01:42 static/image/common/back.gif
Dear all Ching,
I am so sorry to mislead you. I means that I am using Roksan M2 for AV by-pass to co ...
師兄,551r同651r系有d分別,反而651r和751r既分別細d只系751r既輸出大d和加咗個內置USB DAC,但系651r和751r價錢又唔系差好遠。最後要睇師兄既budget,建議就651或751啦。 輸出大d喺控制力始終都好d,751R無錯啦! Thx a lot