nihilist 發表於 2013-12-21 22:08



Klaus Schulze & Lisa Gerrard - Big In Europe Volume 1 - Warsaw

Big In Europe Volume 1 – Warsaw is the title of the first volume of live performances by legendary German electronic music pioneer Klaus Schulze and iconic Dead Can Dance vocalist Lisa Gerrard. In 1983, Klaus Schulze was one of the few West German musicians who was allowed to go on a celebrated tour in Poland, essentially due to the instrumental nature of his music. Schulze was later asked to return and play at the 70th anniversary of the Soviet Assault on Poland on September 17, 2009 in Warsaw in the courtyard of the Royal Palace.

Ryoji Ikeda - Supercodex

'Supercodex' completes the trilogy of Ryoji Ikeda's advanced frequency studies ('Dataplex' 2005, 'Test Pattern' 2008) exploring the potentials between "data of sound" and "sound of data" for Raster Noton. The raw material comes from re/de/meta-constructed music from his first two albums plus subsequent art installations and projects and his ongoing, parallel project 'Superimposition' focused on quantum information. It features all the convoluted frequency f**kery a minimalist glitch fiend could wish for; 20 tracks of hyper-precise, abstracted auditory representations of complex visual patterns. If you swing that way, it's intensely funky stuff, a constantly morphing moire of ultrasonic minutiae that challenges our perceptions of rhythm and timbre in mathematically mapped time and space.

agic 發表於 2013-12-21 22:33

齋睇Klaus身后果栅Moog sysytem已值回票价{:6_193:}

teddyng637 發表於 2013-12-22 00:54

超正 !!! {:6_193:}{:6_193:}
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 遲到好過冇到~年尾壓軸之作

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