lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-27 16:40

130718 Mnet 20's Choice Lee Hyori Bad Girls Remix

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-27 16:44



話泫雅是現時韓國性感女歌手之首,大概不會有太多人有異議。她原本是女團Wonder Girls的成員,其後因病退出。現時是另一女團4minute的成員。之後她亦有推出個人歌曲及與BEAST成員賢勝,組成性感企劃組合Trouble Maker。近日,她以走性感活潑風的新專輯《A Talk》回歸樂壇。

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-27 16:45

HYUNA - 'Bubble Pop!' (Official Music Video)

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-10-27 16:46

HYUNA - '빨개요 (RED)' (Official Music Video)

icefatgirl 發表於 2014-10-29 00:52

After School’s Nana is chic and trendy for “Instyle”

Nana from After School garners attention for her sexy photo shoot with InStyle fashion magazine. Check out her photos for the November issue!
The released photos reveal Nana in stylish yet sexy wardrobe choices including those that shows off her flawless skin. During the interview session, Nana commented on her fitness routine, “No matter how busy or tired I am, I never forget squatting 100 times before sleeping.”
Currently, Nana is busy with simultaneous activities in South Korea and China, after being established as a popular fashion icon in China as well with her starring in “Fashion Goddess.” She is also received the “Beauty Icon” Award for her contribution to Korean trends and fashion on the recent Style Icon Awards.

keke323 發表於 2014-10-29 20:34

尹賢尙與 IU 的新曲預告

Yoon Hyun Sang (尹賢尙) 首張迷你專輯《PIANOFORTE (피아노포르테)》主打歌預告公開。

Yoon Hyun Sang 首張迷你專輯主打歌《When Would It Be (언제쯤이면)》的預告影片28日透過官方 YouTube 頻道釋出,這首歌是 Yoon Hyun Sang 與 IU 合作的歌曲,預告裡 Yoon Hyun Sang 與 IU 在童話般的空間當中,一邊低頭談著鋼琴,一邊憂傷的望著某處歌唱,影片最後兩人高亢激昂的合聲,把聽眾的情緒帶到最高潮,讓人更加期待歌曲完整版的釋出。

接下來一起欣賞《When Would It Be》的預告吧!
另外,Yoon Hyun Sang 首張個人迷你專輯《PIANOFORTE》會在10月31日推出,敬請期待!

keke323 發表於 2014-11-2 00:55

BoA 新日單"FLY"短版 MV

BoA 新日單《FLY》同名主打歌短版 MV 公開。

BoA 將在12月3日發行第36張日文單曲《FLY》,同名主打歌由 BoA 親自作曲、作詞;另外,單曲將發行四個不同的版本,初回限定盤含有24頁寫真書,除通常盤只收錄歌曲外,其他兩個版本都包含 DVD;除了主打歌外,單曲還收錄了 “Meet At Airport (エアポートで待ち合わせ)"。

這次的 "FLY" MV 特地前往英國倫敦拍攝,MV 一開始就看到獨自坐在公園中的 BoA,配上抒情的旋律及 BoA 動人的歌聲,散發出一種屬於秋天的感性,讓大家看到 BoA 不一樣的魅力!

現在一起來看看 BoA “FLY" 短版 MV 吧:

keke323 發表於 2014-11-3 20:58

等左好耐喇 {:6_144:}{:6_145:}
A Pink 將在 11/17 回歸

A Pink 將在11月17日發表新歌回歸。

A Pink 2日稍晚透過官方推特宣布即將發表新專輯回歸的好消息,並公開回歸預告照片,照片裡除了有三顆色彩粉嫩的馬卡龍之外,更可以看見寫著「A Pink COMING SOON 2014.11.17」的字樣,究竟這次 A Pink 會以什麼樣的風格回歸呢?大家一起猜猜看吧!

這次 A Pink 的回歸,是繼今年三月推出的迷你四輯《Mr. Chu》之後,時隔約八個月的回歸,敬請期待。

icefatgirl 發表於 2014-11-4 17:56

SISTAR turn heads in evening dresses for '11 St.' CF
Sexy girl group SISTAR showed off their classy elegance in their CF for online shopping site '11 St.' as the representative models. Some photos as well as the CF clips were unveiled, showing the refined and sophisticated image of the members in evening gowns that toned down their usual fierceness for something more subdued, luxurious, and chic.

A rep stated, "This advertisement used the theme of 'whisper' for this unique advertisement.You'll be able to feel an auditory catharsis as you tilt your head in to hear SISTAR's whispered messages."


keke323 發表於 2014-11-5 23:04

A Pink 回歸概念照

A Pink 首波回歸概念照公開。

即將在11月17日發表第五張迷你專輯回歸的 A Pink,稍早透過 Naver Music 獨家公開回歸概念照!在團體版的照片中,成員們穿著粉嫩的襯衫與對比強烈的鮮豔紅裙坐在花園內,一張是互相靠著對方、一張則是拿著杯子蛋糕擺出微微高傲的樣貌,呈現兩種風情;至於三人一組的照片裡,她們分別吃著杯子蛋糕、馬卡龍,加上夢幻的氛圍,如精靈般既可愛又美麗。

接著讓我們來欣賞 A Pink 的概念照,並期待她們的回歸吧:

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