Raspyfi for MPD
各位師兄,Raspyfi 出在新ver.啦{:6_208:}volumio.org/project/
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) did you try? RaspyFI or volumio is better? izthat 發表於 2013-12-16 13:19 static/image/common/back.gif
did you try? RaspyFI or volumio is better?
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 我玩 Pi + Raspyfi 已有段曰子. raspyfi 另我又愛又恨,它的 UI 簡單易用, 用 raspyfi 取代了 CD transport, 但每每無故boot 唔起,希望今次有驚喜啦,謝謝dick 兄報料 CAS2012 發表於 2013-12-17 01:46 static/image/common/back.gif
我玩 Pi + Raspyfi 已有段曰子. raspyfi 另我又愛又恨,它的 UI 簡單易用, 用 raspyfi 取代了 CD transpo ...
I used to have the same issue with booting my Raspfi, until one day, after I changed the DC power supply to a 3A rated one (original one was 1A), then the boot issues have disappeared. Just installed yesterday night, most of the function is same as raspyfi, but it added the function to set the re-sampling in the UI which is much user friendly! 今早download 下來,真的是有驚,又有喜。 boot 起後,如常打入IP address, 個面版圖像碎裂,以為zip file 有事,試了多次都一樣,click 入冇反應,真的是驚嚇。無奈,入forum 求救。
下午check 下forum , 版主說可試refresh 版面, press ctl+f5, 嘩,面版由以前的黑色轉做灰,一切和如常運作,新version感覺上 反應快了,又一驚喜 CAS2012 發表於 2013-12-17 16:33 static/image/common/back.gif
今早download 下來,真的是有驚,又有喜。 boot 起後,如常打入IP address, 個面版圖像碎裂,以為zip file...
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 初聽,同以前比較,感覺上人声斯文了D,其它音場音色同raspyfi 冇分别。我用WiFi dongle , raspyfi 用putty 打command line set up, Volumio 只需要在control panel setup, 方便得多。
用wifi dongle 聽NAS 212j D歌, 完全隔離了router 的ground noise, 比用usb HDD 好聽D CAS2012 發表於 2013-12-18 10:23 static/image/common/back.gif
初聽,同以前比較,感覺上人声斯文了D,其它音場音色同raspyfi 冇分别。我用WiFi dongle , raspyfi 用putty ...
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)