求 10k 內膽合拼推介
現有組合:Source: Linn Sneaky DS
Speaker: ProAc TA (Cherrywood)
Amp: 雅琴 MC-84L (前級膽 12AX7, 後級膽 EL84)
主聽: Jazz 同女聲. 要求人聲甜美同音場定位清楚.
想拎d 意見收窄下範圍再做功課. {:8_387:} 比多少少去深水埗福仁 試下威馬部MP-501 用KT120 黎緊好似仲有個KT150 ver.
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) Synthesis Nimus made in ltaly angusluk 發表於 2013-12-14 13:29 static/image/common/back.gif
Synthesis Nimus made in ltaly
http://www.synthesis.co.it/prime-nimis.php kelvinhin 發表於 2013-12-14 13:35 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes have remote version angusluk 發表於 2013-12-14 13:36 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes have remote version
同Melody Super 34比又如何? kelvinhin 發表於 2013-12-14 13:38 static/image/common/back.gif
同Melody Super 34比又如何?
Not compare, I just want to get not made in China budget 加到15k 可以多d 咩選擇?{:1_347:} kelvinhin 發表於 2013-12-14 13:38 static/image/common/back.gif
同Melody Super 34比又如何?
未聽過synthesis 既然EL84, 不過好肯定唔夠melody 咁大聲{:1_338:}(當然大聲係唔係只係你想要既野?!)
melody el34膽.....較合適proac...
如果...找部 二手機.. 更抵玩