takeishi 發表於 2013-12-11 16:03

Mike oldfield ~ moonlight shadow

本帖最後由 takeishi 於 2013-12-11 16:03 編輯

{:1_340:}Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow ft. Maggie Reilly
這首歌是Mike Oldfield寫來紀念John Lennon..

{:1_351:}其實很多歌手也番唱過這首歌. 包括香港的"林志美"
中交版其實也不錯, 兩者我也喜歡. 可能先入為主. 我還是鍾情於原曲.
呢首歌永遠都是我的最愛十大金曲之一, 相信好多朋友都不可能忘記.


{:1_338:}這兩張CD-SINGLE分別是1983年出版的單曲, 以及 1993年再版RE-ISSUE的單曲.
前者當然就是當年最原始的Extented Remix版本. 後者就是事隔十年後的再版, 再版還加入原版的Album version,
而且再版 Re-Issue 這張碟音色相當不錯. 可能是 Remastered 重新編制過. 音色比起83年原版清晰響亮得多了.
兩者都各有各特色. 原版的感覺



{:1_247:}呢首歌聽起上來好輕快的感覺. 但其實內容係好 SAD 架.
細去看歌詞的意義, 許多人或許會認為這首歌是一首浪漫的曲子. 不僅是歌名. 它的旋律輕快, 加上主唱優美的唱聲都會讓人感覺這是一首詩情畫意的歌. 但是這首歌其實是描述 1980 年的 12 月 8 號 John Lennon 被暗殺時, 他老婆 小野洋子 (Yoko Uno) 的心情.或許是因為夜是如此安詳,愛人的離去是如此的朦朧, 小野洋子還無法接受愛人之死. 如此大的反差之下, 反而會撕裂一個人的心.

The last that ever she saw him
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
He passed on, worried and warning
Carried away by a moonlight shadow

Lost in a riddle that Saturday night
Far away on the other side
He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight
And she couldn't find how to push through

The trees that whisper in the evening
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
Sing a song of sorrow and grieving
Carried away by a moonlight shadow

All she saw was a silhouette of a gun
Far away on the other side
He was shot six times by a man on the run
And she couldn't find how to push through

I stay, I pray
See you in Heaven, far away
I stay, I pray
See you in Heaven one day

4 am in the morning
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
I watched your vision forming
Carried away by a moonlight shadow

Stars move slowly in a silvery night
Far away on the other side
Will you come to talk to me this night
But she couldn't find how to push through

I stay, I pray
See you in Heaven, far away
I stay, I pray
See you in Heaven one day

Caught in the middle of a hundred and five
Far away on the other side
The night was heavy and the air was alive
But she couldn't find how to push through

Carried away by a moonlight shadow
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
Far away on the other side

文次郎 發表於 2013-12-11 16:40


sanwa 發表於 2013-12-11 19:50

good song

KENXYZ 發表於 2013-12-11 21:39

百聽不厭的 Moonlight shadow

ekwok 發表於 2013-12-12 00:31


beerboy 發表於 2013-12-12 11:14

ekwok 發表於 2013-12-12 00:31 static/image/common/back.gif

咁啱呀... {:8_390:}

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

beerboy 發表於 2013-12-12 11:15

beerboy 發表於 2013-12-12 11:14 static/image/common/back.gif

七寸single 頭版{:9_430:}

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
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