我有位朋友搵我幫佢影d大肚時的相, 小弟冇呢方面經驗, 各位ching, 有冇試過影? 有d咩要留意呢? 用咩鏡頭好? 謝! 只有少少建議........師兄不妨用長鏡, 遠啲影埋去........ 能夠略為縮減身體各部份之間既大小對比
孕婦最令人注目既係佢地幸福既神情, 所以不妨從上向下影佢既特寫, 咁樣可以在突出佢既神情之餘, 順便將佢個肚影埋, 強調佢係一位孕婦
同埋不妨玩吓既剪影效果 ; 孕婦身形咁明顯, 玩剪影其實幾有 FEEL~ 謝謝raphael兄的建議, 我會試試
剪影應該效果會好特別, 我朋友應該會好鐘意呢 小弟淺見, 都唔敢肯定是否正確 ; 希望其他師兄可以俾到較有用既建議你~
HAPPY SHOOTING~ are you planning to just take photos of the mom? or will there be chances to take with the father as well? cuz styling can be quite different and I personally thing that the lighting is the key to the success of the photos :) i will take the photos for both the father and mum.i am thinking to take the photos at their home to create a warm atmosphere