藍奕邦 - 優與美 <走晒音喎>
藍奕邦 - 優與美我還是覺得他作曲俾人唱會好好多
唔好咁啦邦哥, 唔得就唔好夾硬出碟, 俾人唱都一樣有錢收架
http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/64ed7f1djw1eb33olwesaj20h00h0q51.jpg 好彩無買姐 {:6_194:}{:6_194:} {:1_352:} {:1_352:} {:1_352:}
Not bad, quite good looking...and "it" sells. That's how the market goes these days. psb 發表於 2013-12-2 15:04 static/image/common/back.gif
Not bad, quite good looking...and "it" sells. That's how the market...
唔明你想表達D咩{:6_222:} guppyguppyguppy 發表於 2013-12-2 15:10 static/image/common/back.gif
I mean as long as there is demand for a particular "product" or "perfume" (in fact there is a Japanese girl group called "perfume"), record companies will still "produce" them. It is a commercial world and the music industry is very much based on package and cosmetics. {:8_390:} As long as the market says alright, why not???
His last album died a thousand deaths despite ample promos, and the songs were much better too