Robynn & Kendy - Sail Away <死唔斷氣的感覺>
本帖最後由 guppyguppyguppy 於 2013-12-2 10:45 編輯Robynn & Kendy - Sail Away
黎到第三張, 已經發展到無咩新野, 歌路曲風無任何改變
而且覺得唔似唱歌, 似和音多D
個人覺得較為入耳的, 就是最後一首 instrument {:6_121:} 甘大wok,但听唱片公司sales话之前好好卖bor{:6_138:} 可能係太過商業味重 {:6_234:}{:6_234:} {:1_332:} The new album sounds a bit mellow and soulful but has its class, not too bad really, both girls have the skills and one cannot do without the other. At least they are not just a manufactured "product" and sell pretty looks like so many out there... {:1_351:} psb 發表於 2013-12-2 14:43 static/image/common/back.gif
The new album sounds a bit mellow and soulful but has its class, not too bad really, both...
sell pretty looks<---{:6_192:} guppyguppyguppy 發表於 2013-12-2 15:10 static/image/common/back.gif
sell pretty looks
In my opinion, Robynn & Kendy is a talented HK group and they write their music, sing, play instrument and most importantly sell MUSIC....they are not bad really as a HK girl group....not many are selling music but "something" else. The market has become so confusing but it is still OK because time will tell which group has the real stuff and which one just disgraces themselves and the music industry{:6_183:} SAIL AWAY 演唱會VIDEO teddyng637 發表於 2013-12-2 11:07 static/image/common/back.gif
I agree.
I love her first 2 album . But a little disappointed with this album 咁搞笑?我相反喎,其實我唔鍾意翻唱歌,仲要差過原唱...
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