所有應用程式已關,但點解cpu使用率53%?請ching幫手解答.Thx Task manager check 下咩程式食左 cpu 先. 會唔會行緊 anti-virus. 係咪自動backup緊?不過都唔會咁高… Switch to Safe Mode and see whether the CPU usage the same, if not, there are something running at the background you need to find out. If the same, mean normal. 你粒咩u先?行咩os? I had the same experience, CPU runs more than 50% & RAM more than 70% even checked task manager without any program running. It could be caused by virus, torjan horse but not detected by my NOD32 anti-virus program. Finally I have to clean up and reload my recovery disk and CPU reduce to 4% & RAM usage to 20% when just using internet browser. Now it looks normal. Please try my suggestion if you have done everything. For your information, my CPU is intel i5 and RAM is 4GB, harddisk is 750GB 去windows工作管理員度睇吓邊programme食得最多