ANWKLO 發表於 2013-11-24 08:40

Windflowers by Seals & Crofts

大家有無聽過Seals & Crofts於1974年的Windflowers{:1_342:} 知不知道這首歌詞的意思 , 因為坊間有不同的演繹 {:1_342:}

Windflowers 風之花
My father told me not to go near them
He feared them always 他一直都心懷畏懼
Said they carried him away 說她們使他失去理智

Windflowers 風之花
I couldn't wait to touch them, to smell them
I held them closely 緊緊的擁抱著她們
Now I can not break away 如今我已無法自拔

Their sweet bouquet disappears 甜美的花束消失了
Like the vapor in the desert 彷彿沙漠中的一陣煙霧
Take a warning, son 小心一點啊,孩子

Windflowers 風之花
Their beauty captures every young dreamer 她們的美麗擄獲了
who lingers near them 每一個徘徊不去的年輕夢想者
Ancient windflowers, I love you 古老的風之花,我愛你


ctmk 發表於 2013-11-24 12:08


ANWKLO 發表於 2013-11-24 12:19

ctmk 發表於 2013-11-24 12:08 static/image/common/back.gif

雖然歌詞同 "好似係比喻罌粟花, 勸喻青少年不要吸毒" 好像有關連, 可是這個比喻未必是正確的 {:1_254:}

ctmk 發表於 2013-11-24 12:28

ANWKLO 發表於 2013-11-24 12:19 static/image/common/back.gif
雖然歌詞同 "好似係比喻罌粟花, 勸喻青少年不要吸毒" 好像有關連, 可是這個比喻未必是正確的   ...


歌曲含义  Windflowers银莲花,一首古老的外国歌谣。原唱是Jim Seals & Dash Crofts。这是一首取材自希腊神话爱神维纳斯的故事。爱神维纳斯一直爱慕山中打猎的美少年,然而他却在一次与野兽撕斗的过程中丧失了性命,维纳斯为此天天以泪洗面,甚至双眼流出了血来。泣血滴落在花瓣上,随风飘散。Windflowers的歌词中父亲以一过来人的身份,试图告诉儿子,爱情虽然甜美却易逝去。windflowers前面的那段独白,异样的感人。开头的音乐也非常的揪人,美得让人无法自拔。这就象歌里唱的那样--美丽诱人的背后往往暗藏着千万种的危险!然而,这世上往往又有多少人明明知道前面是陷阱,也还是忍不住地往下跳!--就象世人所说的爱情。

ANWKLO 發表於 2013-11-24 12:36

ctmk 發表於 2013-11-24 12:28 static/image/common/back.gif

歌曲含义  Windflowers银莲花,一首古老的外国歌谣。原唱是Jim Seals & Dash Cro ...

這個解釋都找到看過, 個演繹真是好美麗.好多人都會覺得"係比喻罌粟花, 勸喻青少年不要吸毒".

文次郎 發表於 2013-11-24 19:13


ernietse 發表於 2013-11-24 19:14

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2013-11-24 19:21 編輯

ANWKLO 發表於 2013-11-24 12:36 static/image/common/back.gif
這個解釋都找到看過, 個演繹真是好美麗.好多人都會覺得"係比喻罌粟花, 勸喻青少年不要吸毒". ...

I think the meaning or connotation is similar to the LEMON TREE popularly covered by Peter, Paul & Mary that contemporary,

something looks attractive superficially but maybe like a trap that may costing people who indulged a lot???


Windflowers, my father told me not to go near them
He feared them always, said they carried him away

Windflowers, I couldn't wait to touch them
To smell them, I held them closely, now I cannot break away

Their sweet bouquet disappears like a vapor in the desert
Take a warning, son

Windflowers, their beauty captures every young dreamer
Who lingers near them, ancient windflowers, I love you


When I was just a lad of ten, my father said to me,
"Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree."
"Don't put your faith in love, my boy", my father said to me,
"I fear you'll find that love is like the lovely lemon tree."

Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

One day beneath the lemon tree, my love and I did lie
A girl so sweet that when she smiled the stars rose in the sky.
We passed that summer lost in love beneath the lemon tree
The music of her laughter hid my father's words from me:

Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

One day she left without a word. She took away the sun.
And in the dark she left behind, I knew what she had done.
She'd left me for another, it's a common tale but true.
A sadder man but wiser now I sing these words to you:

Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
頁: [1]
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