hand神 發表於 2007-8-7 19:52

Warner Bros Apologizes For "300" Score

From the Offical 300 DVD website:

"Warner Bros. Pictures acknowledges and regrets that a number of the music cues for the score of "300" were, without our knowledge or participation, derived from music composed by Academy Award winning composer Elliot Goldenthal for the motion picture "Titus." Warner Bros. Pictures has great respect for Elliot, our longtime collaborator, and is pleased to have amicably resolved this matter."

This is the first time in recent memory in which anyone, let alone a studio, has made a public apology for a score that (obviously) followed too closely to its temptrack. While some are curious as to what 300 composer Tyler Bates has to say about this - the person who should be put in the hot seat is the director or producers, whom surely are the ones who asked Bates to follow Goldenthal's "Titus" so closely.
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