marcolau 發表於 2013-11-12 03:24

Stephen Elop 將成為 Microsoft CEO,將會賣掉 Xbox 業務及了結 Bing


Microsoft is currently searching for a new CEO to replace Steve Ballmer, who plans to retire within the next 10 months. Recent reports suggest the company has shortlisted Ford CEO Alan Mulally and former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop as external candidates. Elop according to Bloomberg, is willing to sell off major divisions, killing Bing and consider selling off the XBox divisions.

Elop is reportedly considering a strategy shift away from Microsoft's tradition of Office running primarily on Windows PCs. Bloomberg reports that Elop is formulating "some broad strategic outlines for Microsoft," in what is likely to be part of the interview process for the CEO position. Elop's potential strategy is said to involve maximizing sales of Office instead of using it to push Windows PC and tablet sales. Microsoft's Office and server software has been performing well in recent financial results, while Windows continues to struggle alongside a declining PC industry. Although Office has launched for iOS and Android, Microsoft could certainly do more to offer complete versions on those rival platforms.

loomberg also suggests that Elop is willing to shut down or sell some major Microsoft businesses. Elop would reportedly considering killing off the company's Bing search engine, while contemplating selling the Xbox business. Some investors and analysts have previously called for the software giant to split off its Xbox business and give up on search. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen appears to feel the same way. Allen's $15-billion asset manager, Paul Ghaffari, revealed recently that Bing and Xbox have been distractions for Microsoft. "My view is there are some parts of that operation they should probably spin out, get rid of, to focus on the enterprise and focus on the cloud." Nomura analyst Rick Sherlund claims Microsoft's financial earnings could be boosted by 40 percent in fiscal 2015 if the company sold its Bing and Xbox businesses

九成都係Stephen Elop出場,哩條友出名去到邊衰到邊,Macromedia被Adobe收購係佢做CEO,NOKIA放棄塞班及meego系統,拒絕Andriod令NOKIA永不翻身又係佢做CEO,

RiceR9 發表於 2013-11-12 18:19

賣XBOX {:9_433:}   專注OFFICE {:8_385:}

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2013-11-12 23:28


原明 發表於 2013-11-13 10:31

超底能,賣Xbox 咁1仲出唔出{:9_411:}

Raphael 發表於 2013-11-14 02:50

睇嚟 Xbox 前景一片灰暗
巿場由 Sony 獨大,唔會係好事

marcolau 發表於 2013-11-14 16:59

本帖最後由 marcolau 於 2013-11-14 17:01 編輯

Raphael 發表於 2013-11-14 02:50 static/image/common/back.gif
睇嚟 Xbox 前景一片灰暗
巿場由 Sony 獨大,唔會係好事

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