keke323 發表於 2015-1-31 16:35

鄭氏姊妹的 lapalette 畫報

「鄭氏姊妹」Jessica 與 Krystal 的 lapalette 最新代言畫報公開。

Vogue Korea 29日官方公開「鄭氏姊妹」Jessica 與 Krystal 為時尚品牌 lapalette 拍攝的最新包包代言畫報,畫報當中 Jessica 與 Krystal 身穿時尚服飾,手拿 lapalette 包包,以時而冷艷高傲、時而青春少女的姿態,展現出專屬於兩人的獨特魅力。


pork-bun 發表於 2015-1-31 18:04

Oh-TaeNy 關站...

icefatgirl 發表於 2015-2-1 13:54

Girls' Generation wish for 2015 to be a less dynamic year on 'Entertainment Relay'


Girls' Generation greeted viewers on the January 31 broadcast of KBS 2TV's 'Entertainment Relay'!

The reporter congratulated Yuri on joining MBC's 'Animals', sharing, "Congratulations on joining a variety show! What are the competing programs?", to which Yuri let out a big sigh and shared, "'Superman is Back' and 'K-Pop Star'." Hyoyeon joked, "I choose 'Superman is Back'!" The reporter commented on 'Infinity Challenge's hit '90s special, telling Seohyun, "Some people know you as S.E.S' Eugene," to which she shared, "It was really an honor. It still feels like a dream. I was so happy." The reporter told Hyoyeon, "Hyoyeon's whereabouts. You were in Prague, Vietnam, and at a ski resort," to which she replied, "I made a lot of personal schedules. I am going to a lot of places these days. Since it's winter now, I'm in Korea these days."

The reporter also congratulated Sunny and Sooyoung on their Rookie Radio DJ Award ['2014 MBC Entertainment Awards'] and Excellence - Actress Award (mini-series) ['2014 MBC Drama Awards'], respectively. When asked if her leg is okay from her fall at 'The 24th Seoul Music Awards', Taeyeon shared, "Ah yes. I didn't injure my leg, but my lower back not long ago. But I'm okay after going to the hospital." The reporter asked about YoonA's Chinese drama, to which YoonA shared, "I got friendly with quickly, and they treat me well so I'm adjusting and filming well." The reporter also asked, "Is this the first time that you got bangs since your debut?", to which YoonA replied, "Yes," and the reporter jokingly brought a round of applause, saying, "Congratulations on YoonA's bangs!"

When asked what was her New Year's resolution, Tiffany shared, "To be honest, because 2014 was a very dynamic , we want this year to be less dynamic. I wished that we show a good stage and release a good album as Girls' Generation."

pork-bun 發表於 2015-2-1 23:06

Jessica 的 instagram!

icefatgirl 發表於 2015-2-2 00:00

150129 Hyoyeon @ Kolon Sport 2015 SS Collection

icefatgirl 發表於 2015-2-2 00:05

150129 Yuri @ Kolon Sport 2015 SS Collection

lamwaikit007 發表於 2015-2-2 01:00

icefatgirl 發表於 2015-2-2 00:05 static/image/common/back.gif
150129 Yuri @ Kolon Sport 2015 SS Collection

{:1_330:} YURI FIT 到爆呀! {:1_341:}

momolee 發表於 2015-2-2 03:55


lamwaikit007 發表於 2015-2-2 12:20

太妍即將發表 SOLO 專輯?
BY SYLVIA – 2015/02/02

少女時代成員太妍即將發表 SOLO 專輯?

根據韓國媒體 dongA 2日的報導,太妍將會是少女時代成員中,第一位發表 SOLO 專輯的成員,目前正以今年上半年發行 SOLO 專輯為目標,積極地在準備與收歌當中。歌唱實力堅強的太妍,在偶像界是數一數二的唱將歌手,除擔任少女時代主唱一職之外,也曾經為多部戲劇演唱過 OST,因此她的 SOLO 專輯,更備受各界期待。

一起期待太妍的 SOLO 專輯吧!

♥♥ ——— 轉載請把以下文字帶走!謝謝!——— ♥♥
翻譯/撰寫:Kpopn 的 Sylvia
轉載請註明 和所有來源

momolee 發表於 2015-2-2 16:26

lamwaikit007 發表於 2015-2-2 12:20 static/image/common/back.gif

太妍即將發表 SOLO 專輯?

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查看完整版本: 一起共享少女時代演唱會相片,也是一起共享"少時"訊息天地

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