以前我以为power amp越大watt,咁就唔使扭咁大volume,咁如果我听人声咁就冇问题,相信好多人同我一知半解嘅人都问过其他人究竟power越大,咁乜好,佢地就话会把你喇叭推得更好……
咁即係有几好????直至我入咗三部后级玩av,就试300w推每边f12同bridge咗佢1000w推,音量其实冇乜点变,唔会你大力d,volume掣可以扭细d,而係分别就係高中低音都推得伸延更好,就好似一个人唱歌,唔识用丹田同识用丹田唱出嚟嘅分别一样。好似我朋友对dyna,佢power amp係细火数,但果次去听係有声出,但只觉得高低唔似之前用onkyo av amp推得咁好一样。因dyna係座地,av amp都有150w,但而家佢只用低於100w去推。
AV amp 內置份poweramp 同正式power相差甚遠 不能咁比 件AMP質數好重要,去聴吓金仔部E-560,得30W{:1_351:} my vintage 2-ch power-amp is only giving 45w per channel but it is already giving so much detail and much more detail than my av-amp which claims to be much more powerful than my power-amp.
i now switched to biamping (with 2 identical power-amps, one driving tweeters and one the woofers), suddenly more detail arise and better imaging too.
i wont simply say higher power is better, but the design is more important. samuel8892000 發表於 2013-11-4 13:41 static/image/common/back.gif
AV amp 內置份poweramp 同正式power相差甚遠 不能咁比
同意! 本帖最後由 gikifk 於 2013-11-4 18:01 編輯
佢好似話部AV amp有150W 推得好靚聲
好過現在的所謂 100W power amp................請細心睇清楚樓主講嘜 唔同類的amp唔同計法 gikifk 發表於 2013-11-4 18:00 static/image/common/back.gif
佢好似話部AV amp有150W 推得好靚聲
好過現在的所謂 100W power amp................請細心睇清楚樓主講 ...
咁就有啲奇! 現時的AV amp的power大多作大,報single channel driven 及output at 6 ohm。但開5聲道時其音5折都冇。Power amp 是要電流及控制力,不能只大瓦數 tst123 發表於 2013-11-4 18:58 static/image/common/back.gif
現時的AV amp的power大多作大,報single channel driven 及output at 6 ohm。但開5聲道時其音5折都冇。Powe ...
要電流及控制力,不能只大瓦數...this is the main point{:1_351:}