psb 發表於 2013-11-13 15:48

ernietse 發表於 2013-11-13 15:13 static/image/common/back.gif
Well, as mentioned if you look for high quality music track file, niwadays you may go to website t ...

I see...

But what I now so far Amazon only sells music on MP3 format. I never check out iTunes and other online stores. Do they really sell the "lossless FLAC" or APE music formats?? If so the price per song should be $$$, as I know Amazon poor quality MP3 per song is about 0.6 to 1 pound. I cannot really imagine how much the perfect lossless FLAC format will cost.{:6_135:} {:6_192:}

AS like many of us, I prefer to have something physical, a CD, inserts, jewel case for collection. Even if they sell lossless music files, I do not think it will be cheaper than a CD if we purchase a whole album. However, I forsee that the price of CDs may go up as its demand falls over the years, just like the demand for LP, 12" maxi-single and 7".{:6_188:}

ernietse 發表於 2013-11-13 16:22

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2013-11-13 16:47 編輯

psb 發表於 2013-11-13 15:48 static/image/common/back.gif
I see...

But what I now so far Amazon only sells music on MP3 format. I never check out iTunes an ...

Try try here see if you can find what you want{:1_338:}

But I have not bought any music file from internet before{:1_333:}


As you can see the whole album of jenny in FLAC is $320

psb 發表於 2013-11-13 18:52

ernietse 發表於 2013-11-13 16:22 static/image/common/back.gif
Try try here see if you can find what you want

But I have not bought any music file fro ...

{:6_179:} very limited choices.....very few albums and songs.

takeishi 發表於 2013-11-14 13:52

{:1_335:}我有兩張 SO HARD 幾特別既 CD-Single, 一張係日本版3"CD, 另一張係DIGI-PACK US PROMO CD-SINGLE,
有個version 係 9" Edit, 其實即係12"吋既Edit版.............囉.

psb 發表於 2013-11-14 19:52

takeishi 發表於 2013-11-14 13:52 static/image/common/back.gif
我有兩張 SO HARD 幾特別既 CD-Single, 一張係日本版3"CD, 另一張係DIGI-PACK US PROMO CD-SING ...

Finally received the 2 new PSB limited edition CD singles today from{:6_143:} {:6_143:} {:6_143:}

takeishi 發表於 2013-11-15 13:49

psb 發表於 2013-11-14 19:52 static/image/common/back.gif
Finally received the 2 new PSB limited edition CD singles today from {:6_143: ...

{:1_351:}你果然是 DIE-HARD PSB FANS, 我都已經無再儲佢既Single囉. 主要原因係. 香港已經無人肯入single, HMV又買唔到. 水貨佬又唔入貨. 要既就唯有上綱訂. 所以. 唔儲LU~. PET SHOP BOYS 還有發行實體CD-Single已經算好好架啦. 好多都只係i-turn版昨. 俾錢買空氣咁既感覺. 好虛無呀.

ernietse 發表於 2013-11-15 13:59

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2013-11-15 14:03 編輯

takeishi 發表於 2013-11-15 13:49 static/image/common/back.gif
你果然是 DIE-HARD PSB FANS, 我都已經無再儲佢既Single囉. 主要原因係. 香港已經無人肯入sin ...

I just tired of their kind of PSB sound since 2000 and really ”BEING BORING” {:1_260:}

As there are other refreshingelectronic sound choices such as ORBITAL,808 STATE, DAFT FUNK, ARMAND VAN HELDEN, APOLLO 440, DEEP FORREST, BUCKETHEADS.....{:1_264:}

psb 發表於 2013-11-15 14:28

takeishi 發表於 2013-11-15 13:49 static/image/common/back.gif
你果然是 DIE-HARD PSB FANS, 我都已經無再儲佢既Single囉. 主要原因係. 香港已經無人肯入sin ...

"俾錢買空氣咁既感覺. 好虛無呀"{:6_193:} I strongly agree!!!
I like their music from start til now, it is like a long journey of how electronic music has evolved over the 30 years{:6_135:} {:6_208:} and like an old friend. {:6_211:}. I can still hear the quality in their music, unlike many "wannabes" and "idols" nowadays. Their B-sides are good enough to be many new singers' A-sides.Their new 2013 "Electric" again sparks up my surprise and enthusiasm about them.
I am surprised they still release three 12" maxi-singles later in December as announced by their official homepage:

The last three singles from the Electric album are now being released on limited edition, 12-inch vinyl. “Vocal”, “Love is a bourgeois construct” and “Thursday” will all be released on December 9th and feature remixes from Tensnake, Little Boots, Dave Audé, Eddie Amador and many more. These vinyl singles can be pre-ordered separately and also in a special price triple bundle from our online store.
The 12-inch track listings are as follows –

Vocal (Double 12"):
A1. Vocal (Album mix)
A2. Vocal (Rektchordz dub)
B1. Vocal (Armageddon Turk Tear Gas mix)
B2. Vocal (The Cucarachas mix)
C1. Vocal (JRMX Club mix)
C2. Vocal (Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez mix)
D1. Vocal (Rektchordz mix)
D2. Vocal (Wawa extended mix)

Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (Double 12"):
A1. Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (Album version)
A2. Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (The Penelopes remix)
B1. Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (Claptone remix)
B2. Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (Little Boots Discothèque dub)
C1. Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (Dave Audé extended Vocal remix)
C2. Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (Claptone instrumental)
D1. Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (Dave Audé Big Dirty Dub instrumental)
D2. Love Is A Bourgeois Construct (The Penelopes dub)

Thursday (12"):
A1. Thursday (Album mix)
A2. Thursday (Eddie Amador remix)
B1. Thursday (Tensnake remix)       

Pre-order on 12-inch vinyl
Pre-order 12-inch bundle

psb 發表於 2013-11-15 14:32

psb 發表於 2013-11-15 14:28 static/image/common/back.gif
"俾錢買空氣咁既感覺. 好虛無呀" I strongly agree!!!
I like their music from start til now, ...

But these three 12" Maxi Vinyl are all remixes and don't have B-sides. The B-sides of the three singles are only available on the CD singles released recently{:6_211:}. I don't buy 12" because I don't have any turntable.{:6_188:}

psb 發表於 2013-11-15 15:05

takeishi 發表於 2013-11-15 13:49 static/image/common/back.gif
你果然是 DIE-HARD PSB FANS, 我都已經無再儲佢既Single囉. 主要原因係. 香港已經無人肯入sin ...

"香港已經無人肯入single, HMV又買唔到. 水貨佬又唔入貨. 要既就唯有上綱訂. 所以. 唔儲LU~..."

Why ar??? Buying CDs online should be much more convenient, faster, easier and enjoyable than buying from physical shops, isn't it???{:6_141:} I must thank all the online stores because more than 95% of my PSB imported CDs and rare CDS were bought online from,,,,,,,,, PChome global (Taiwan), Ebay sellers etc. etc.{:6_142:}

If I have to buy from physical shops, I would not have collected what I want, especially imported CDs and singles..{:6_136:}
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