請問國內的籃光碟是第幾區, SAMSUNG 5100可以播到嗎?如何分真假?
謝謝各位 ching-good morning mainland 'China'bluray=usually 'A' region but mostly fake if real one imported will be expensive la!{:6_183:} xianglan 發表於 2013-10-31 11:22 static/image/common/back.gif
ching-good morning mainland 'China'bluray=usually 'A' region but mostly fake if real one imported...
sorry one missing if fake one colour of disc will be dark blue in colour xianglan 發表於 2013-10-31 11:24 static/image/common/back.gif
sorry one missing if fake one colour of disc will be dark blue in colour
I'd bought over 60 nos. of 'bluray' from China before and now all throw away because after a while the disc quality wiil lower but is cheap nowRMB 25-35/pc. properly i won't buy anymore .{:6_215:} 大陸貨無需分真假, 只要本著買假貨心態, 反而會令自己開心些! 應該係C區,多數全區,正版我知有華錄。很多正版但是非賣品
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 睇價錢十幾蚊你話真定假 謝謝各位意見