有冇師兄試過用 Raspfi 1.0 駁 LKS DAC0002 MKII?
本來想拎部 raspberry pi 上 Ben 兄度試,但我冇 usb hardisk.....(冇理由搬隻 NAS + router 去)...想問下有冇師兄試過? 可以用 USB memory stick 代替 USB HD。 Ben sir 用電腦播,手指可用,Ben Sir唔鼓勵用NAS hksarac 發表於 2013-10-31 10:17 static/image/common/back.gifBen sir 用電腦播,手指可用,Ben Sir唔鼓勵用NAS
jeffrey hing ,
thanks for coming yesterday night!!{:6_193:}
Raspfi can play files with LKS yesterday without installing drivers.However, when we play 2L 24bit/352.8(DXD) files,it seems to be drop packet often !
For 16/44.1 playback ,the same problem does not happen.may be the USB thumb playbackneed more resources than I expect. or may be the linux kernel on ARM may need some tweaking ,sorry, I am not really sure.
HKsarac hing,
Yes, I cannot guarantee is it working or not for NAS direct connect to LKS directly through USB cable.for PC connect to NAS as file sharing and connect to LKS through USB.the driver with Linux and Windows should works perfectly.
尋晚身痕上左去 ben sir 度試野, setup 如下:
Raspberry Pi (model B)
Raspyfi 1.0 (有用 hynix ram fix)
Sony Xperia 牛
Kingston 32GB Class 10 SD (裝 Raspyfi)
Sandisk Cruzer 4GB(裝歌)
MPDroid / WebUI 做control (我自己帶埋隻 router 用wifi connect)
Black Cat USB 入去 DA002 同Ben sir 套 Amp + Speaker
16/44.1, 24/88 出到冇問題
24/96 以上就有 cracking 問題,bit rate 越高 cracking 越勁,去到 384 直頭d 聲爛晒咁滯, 試過將 buffer 較到 30% + 4M 都冇改善。友人同ben sir comment 可能係粒 usb chip 頂唔到咁大既 throughput 要求 。
DSD 係播到 (但我唔記得左係咩 bit rate)。有輕微cracking 情況。
可能ben sir 套野係三路座地所以將d 問題放大左好多, 夾埋套野d 聲就好一搬。raspyfi 現階段都只可以當玩具咁玩.....重有好遠路要走。 Jeffrey666 發表於 2013-11-2 08:26 static/image/common/back.gif
尋晚身痕上左去 ben sir 度試野, setup 如下:
Raspberry Pi (model B)
Jeffrey hing,
the DSD file is DSD64x from 2L Norway. but at least we know it does not need to install driver with LKS can works smoothly.
for the 24/352.8 playback, the usb thumb input and usb output (the LKS ) throughput is not little .for Cubox small linux system,it got no problem (of course Cubox is more expensive), the playback got no problem.
may be the Linux Kernel need to fine tune a little , then there is no problem.but at the moment,at least we know the Rasyfi can work with LKS w/o installing driver.
Jeffrey666 發表於 2013-11-2 08:26 static/image/common/back.gif
尋晚身痕上左去 ben sir 度試野, setup 如下:
Raspberry Pi (model B)
FYI, LKS works with voyage mpd kit very well.
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 多謝 ben sir 好好招呼同有耐性講解 {:6_193:} Seems like MPD setup problem.... I am using Raspberry Pi + Raspyfii, music file is from local usb harddisk, when playing 16/44.1, 24/96, 24/192 wav files, I do not hear any cracking sound. Only when I update the HDD data base, I heard slight cracking sound, after that, it plays smoothly as silk.
I do not agree the Pi is a toy. It is by far the most revealing CAS in my system so far, just compare the UI, the setup, the stablity, I rank it no.1.
Do you have the same problem when playing the same file at home?
Just my two cents.