bbq2005 發表於 2013-10-31 20:42

nihilist 發表於 2013-10-31 13:36 static/image/common/back.gif
$20 -$25,香港抵買啲!

UK Amazon 都有免郵?要買幾多先得?

nihilist 發表於 2013-10-31 22:49

bbq2005 發表於 2013-10-31 20:42 static/image/common/back.gif
UK Amazon 都有免郵?要買幾多先得?

其實UK Amazon 一向冇免郵到香港...
只知道早幾個月不停買,都使成萬幾銀,經常keep住有open order,後來十幾、廿隻CD同Blu-ray,於combine order時,竟然自動免郵。
不過呢個open order在送出Bananarama呢幾款CD後,終於完結。依家落order又要重新俾郵費。

bbq2005 發表於 2013-11-1 05:59

nihilist 發表於 2013-10-31 22:49 static/image/common/back.gif
其實UK Amazon 一向冇免郵到香港...
只知道早幾個月不停買,都使成萬幾銀,經常keep住有open order,後來 ...


psb 發表於 2013-11-1 10:55

nihilist 發表於 2013-10-31 22:49 static/image/common/back.gif
其實UK Amazon 一向冇免郵到香港...
只知道早幾個月不停買,都使成萬幾銀,經常keep住有open order,後來 ...

Hi nihilist,

How many days or weeks you wait for Amazon UK order to arrive? I am waiting for 1 order from Amazon UK and it is now 2 weeks.

nihilist 發表於 2013-11-1 13:39

psb 發表於 2013-11-1 10:55 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi nihilist,

How many days or weeks you wait for Amazon UK order to arrive? I am waiting for 1 or ...

They told me on 26/10/2013 that it will arrive on 4/11/2013 or sooner.

psb 發表於 2013-11-1 13:56

nihilist 發表於 2013-11-1 13:39 static/image/common/back.gif
They told me on 26/10/2013 that it will arrive on 4/11/2013 or sooner.

Hi nihilist,od

They told me it was shipped on 17/10/13 and expected delivery date was 26/10/13. But I have not received it until today. Amazon UK usually takes 8-12 days...{:6_194:} very very slow...could it be lost? The longest waiting time for me in 10 years of Amazon UK experience...{:6_206:}

nihilist 發表於 2013-11-1 22:10

psb 發表於 2013-11-1 13:56 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi nihilist,od

They told me it was shipped on 17/10/13 and expected delivery date was 26/10/13. B ...

Those re-issues from the trio was released on 28/10/2013. How come they despatched it on 17/10/2013?

psb 發表於 2013-11-2 08:43

nihilist 發表於 2013-11-1 22:10 static/image/common/back.gif
Those re-issues from the trio was released on 28/10/2013. How come they despatched it on 17/10/201 ...

My current order is actually Kim Wilde "Close" 2CD reissued and three pet shop boys singles....Amazon UK service is quite slow nowadays....

nihilist 發表於 2013-11-2 09:49

psb 發表於 2013-11-2 08:43 static/image/common/back.gif
My current order is actually Kim Wilde "Close" 2CD reissued and three pet shop boys singles....Ama ...

from my past experiences, their delivery time was acceptable and mostly arrived within 5~7 days.

psb 發表於 2013-11-2 12:27

nihilist 發表於 2013-11-2 09:49 static/image/common/back.gif
from my past experiences, their delivery time was acceptable and mostly arrived within 5~7 days.

I have Bananarama all 6 "Remastered and Expanded" CD albums bought 3-4 years ago, so may skip these CD+DVD editions. In fact I have full catalogue of Bananarama's CD albums from the first until their current "VIVA" albums...It's sad that their last single "Now & Never" was only released as digital bundle....I bet they will not release ant CD singles anymore.{:6_244:}
頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: Bananarama - WOW! (Deluxe Edition) (CD+ DVD)

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