{:1_333:}呢個年代~隋住數碼化既轉變. 實體既音樂軟件已經沒太多選擇了.
美國什至乎連實體既CD-Single都不再發行了. 只有歐洲亞洲還有小數的單曲single推出.
見到呢個情況. 都有D覺得心UP.
{:1_330:}最近買左幾張Single, 當然係近期個個都講緊既katy perry 同lady gaga啦.
兩個都係10月11月出新album, 好明顯兩隻單曲都係為左宣傳新碟而出既. 同以往一樣,
第一隻single出完就通常買唔到第二隻第三隻. 什至唔出實體. 變左i-turn付款下載單曲.
唔好再俾D得兩首歌. 又無Remixes version既single我啦. 我想要有remix架. 得唔得.
不過~ 我驚再過多兩年. 連呢D咁既2-Tracks single都無晒啦. 唉x100000 點解會攪成咁架.
http://i1234.photobucket.com/albums/ff405/toysimp/20131023_221557-1_zpsf1cbea1f.jpg That depends on demand...
My favourite group, Pet Shop Boys still release 3-4 CD singles for every new album and the all CD singles have 4-10 tracks, remixes and bonus songs B-sides!!! Here is the new "Electric" album (first photo) and the three CD singles from the album:{:6_183:}
仲有depeche mode都有出maxi single happyroland 發表於 2013-10-24 18:11 static/image/common/back.gif
仲有depeche mode都有出maxi single
ching 哂一哂吖! {:1_352:} 補圖,剛在上週入手。 外語單曲都香港印碟,唔值得買>。<