發表於 2013-10-15 19:04
Will19 發表於 2013-10-14 22:11 static/image/common/back.gif
另外, Constellation Audio (Reference / Performance 系列)的技術及用料例如"懸浮"的線路板平台,光敏電 ...
發表於 2013-10-22 16:25
Will brother,
Have you tried not to use the pre-amp but connect the DAC and power amp direct?If yes, can you share your experience.
發表於 2013-10-23 00:42
PostDennis 發表於 2013-10-22 16:25 static/image/common/back.gif
Will brother,
Have you tried not to use the pre-amp but connect the DAC and power amp direct?If y ...
小弟玩緊 dCS Paganini 時, dCS 英國的 Sales Manager Raveen Bawa 和香港代理上小弟寒舎時曾經介紹小弟試試將 Paganini DAC 直入 power amplifier (其時不記得是用緊 Burmester 956 MK II 或是 Chapter 500M Couplet),小弟亦曾手痕試玩,感覺是非常直接,但太大聲,要用 DAC 的數碼 volume control 作較大程度調控, bit rate 上有較大損失,故一直用回兩聲道前級(另外小弟要就 home theater 的另一套 AV 前後級).
換了 dCS Vivaldi 後,雖然 Vivaldi 聲稱它的 DAC 即使作較大程度調控亦不會影響聲音的質素,小弟亦冇興趣試(一來要顧及 AV 前後級,二來兩聲道前級不論是之前的 Chapter Preface Plus 或現在的 Constellation Audio Virgo II 都有不錯的質素,三來 interconnect 線不夠長).
發表於 2013-10-23 17:01
Will19 發表於 2013-10-23 00:42 static/image/common/back.gif
小弟玩緊 dCS Paganini 時, dCS 英國的 Sales Manager Raveen Bawa 和香港代理上小弟寒舎時曾經介紹小弟 ...
Thank you for your sharing.
I am now using Paganini and Pass Labs XP30 pre-amp.I have once tried not to use the pre-amp and connected the DAC to the power amp direct. That experience was same as you described.The sound seemed to berelatively more "direct" and clearer.But the volume of the DAC has to reduce from maximum by some 50%.According to the DAC manual, this is still acceptable.I am now using the by-pass function of the pre-amp for the connection of my AV amp.However, because of the relatively "direct' and clear sound, I am considering connecting the DAC and power amp direct.Of course, this will create some inconvenience when watching movie.
Thank you once again for your reply.
發表於 2013-10-23 21:16
PostDennis 發表於 2013-10-23 17:01 static/image/common/back.gif
Thank you for your sharing.
I am now using Paganini and Pass Labs XP30 pre-amp.I have once trie ...
不用客氣!! 多多交流!!
發表於 2013-11-5 15:26
will19大可考慮magico Q5 or Q7,會讓你開啟另一扇窗
發表於 2013-11-5 15:50
全部野加埋洗唔洗 7 位數字???{:9_422:}
發表於 2013-11-5 18:12
momolee 發表於 2013-11-5 15:50 static/image/common/back.gif
全部野加埋洗唔洗 7 位數字???
哈哈,不用加埋,單單dCS vivaldi player標價都七位了,enjoy! {:6_149:}
發表於 2013-11-5 18:58
nicknick 發表於 2013-11-5 18:12 static/image/common/back.gif
哈哈,不用加埋,單單dCS vivaldi player標價都七位了,enjoy!
{:6_192:} {:6_192:} {:6_192:}
發表於 2013-11-5 21:55
dandylinpsst 發表於 2013-11-5 15:26 static/image/common/back.gif
will19大可考慮magico Q5 or Q7,會讓你開啟另一扇窗
地方有限,代理都只是推介小弟玩 Q3.
玩緊的 ProAc Carbon Pro 8 演繹人聲是不錯的,會看看(聽聽)有沒有其他選擇.