Pioneer 8字頭, 點分L / N?
Pioneer 8字頭, 點分L/N?買左部Pioneer BDP-120, Pioneer HK總代理 個sales 話冇分, 信唔信得過?
我知道要Test 下, 唔知有冇CHing test 過, 左or右? 唔使我估估下 本帖最後由 yazhou 於 2009-8-4 01:51 編輯
有無搵到相係開左蓋 8字頭,兩邊都插得,無問題! 我就見到部Pioneer BDP-320,不過唔知係米一樣呢! 師兄,如果唔放心不如打去代理問,我上次都係咁,我就打去sony問,開頭聽電話果個都唔知道,到後尾佢就叫師父查先至查到 8字頭,兩邊都插得 本帖最後由 haha161 於 2009-8-4 08:52 編輯
they use 8字頭 to cut cost{:6_199:}
from pass experience 120/320 may share the same power circuit board
打開個蓋,睇吓邊面接去fuse,果面就係L,pion應該有係底板上有mark,或影張 close up 相
上嚟睇 如果唔想打開個蓋, 可用以下方法: I buy a Furutech power bar and there is a feature to test priority. Very GOOD. any photo of Furutech power bar , tks