灣仔海運商場,小弟當年逢星期六出街行程必到点。初期好似是一個舖位之後兩個相連舖位打通連租碟發大黎做, ...
八旧一只LD?{:6_141:} 5租刀5得
agic 發表於 2013-10-7 22:56 static/image/common/back.gif
八旧一只LD? 5租刀5得
早期租胶胶咋,之後有LD好似租金幾貴,亦都冇LD機! {:1_332:} alibabar 發表於 2013-10-7 23:05 static/image/common/back.gif
租乜胶呀,十二寸大升go? agic 發表於 2013-10-7 23:17 static/image/common/back.gif
租大碟啦,cp value高嘛!{:1_338:}
十二吋跳舞野有朋友幫手錄! {:1_351:} when in ocean mall mezz floor, they have separate two stores just in opposite , one male shopkeeper was so charming keeping one-length hair {:1_348:}
anybody had their old site photo, just try to remember....{:1_343:}
仲記得中學時由沙田出海運商場,係佢地到買了第一件BAND T。
當時仲有間play it again sam唱片店,之後搬到sogo樓上,現在好像在IFC。 閒時去開灣仔188都會過去昅昅!同漢哥吹水較多,{:6_211:}因佢他本人好好!{:6_193:}善待客人!{:6_238:} (搵佢幫忙訂碟搵野實掂!{:6_193:}) 各ching....
我又想問下,有冇人幫襯過works record? 中學時期一放飯或者放學必定上海運行個圈!我隻Los Indios Tabajaras CD就在海運買的。仲記得以前美版CD有個長方型紙盒,喺海運買過Days of Thunder 同 Dying Young嘅Soundtrack! ernietse 發表於 2013-10-8 01:30 static/image/common/back.gif
when in ocean mall mezz floor, they have separate two stores just in opposite , one male shopkeeper...
果時去海運都係買 LP,CD 都未出 {:1_249:}