rredline 發表於 2013-10-7 16:23


Lester 發表於 2013-10-7 21:34


alibabar 發表於 2013-10-7 21:47


agic 發表於 2013-10-7 22:37

alibabar 發表於 2013-10-7 21:47 static/image/common/back.gif


ant9284 發表於 2013-10-8 00:15


agic 發表於 2013-10-8 00:28

Cheong448 發表於 2013-10-7 10:07 static/image/common/back.gif


ernietse 發表於 2013-10-8 02:32

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2013-10-10 23:01 編輯

Well, I think it is simply just a matter of different "old generation" and "new generation" of music attitude, value, art, or tolerance.

Old generation really have talent (self-learn or try their best) and experience to start their music career and achievement, while new generation have changed to a variety of approach to play or “hea®” music (singing, acting tv commercial, tv series, and movie same time, get publicity to make other great$£€¥).

For example, those old generation (I would define before 80's) are more focused on music and singing, relatively less concerning on image, outlook (exceptional case: roman tam or anita mui Cantonese pop king or queen are not only simply singer but also a complete performer on stage to impress the audience with quality music and visual impression long before MTV era)

those old generation rarely have people using own expense to produce and release record, before only talented singer or musician can be sign-contracted by leading record labels, but nowadays many people claimed they like music wor, so they can finance on their own expense to release music to achieve their dream wor or for their sweet memories

If you are belonged to the old generation (80's, now shall be over 40), I think you might be similar to me that I never buy new generation music product (funny song like "strawberry, apple and orange" really made me laugh to pee) or even avoid to listening nowadays local made Cantonese music (especially those kept re-singing cover version such as danny chan songs, perhaps their targetare their similar age group generation but definitely not to general public audience)

another annoying new generation music are those claiming "hi-fi sound recording of cover songs, sound is really a good recording, but why bother to hear some new women claiming with angel or good voice to keep re-sing good old song with different music style (same as classical music in the early 80's goes to digital recording, but some performance is not as good as the previous analogueversion, for example some 60's KARAJAN performance is better than his later digital recording)

if the new generation really can start a new age of Cantonese pop, I think it is justified to listen , such as LMF, or recent new local serious rapper are at least with new creative approach, really can impress our thinking

Briefly, it is better to allow both old and new generation music people to keep trying to color our local Cantonese music world, as long as there are difference, we can have our own choice to choose what to hear and buy, or ignore. (another example, old generation in their old day rarely eat hamburger, fried chicken, or instant noodle, but nowadays these are the popular favour because we like MSG or just for convenient sake?), my viewpoint is no absolute good or bad music, just a matter of taste, art, or preference (bob marley sings: you can fool people sometime, but you cannot fool people all the time,...get up , stand up, stand up for your right

in those analogue 80's era, professional Disc-Jockeys (really knowing the music by instinct but not simply like nowadays just modern talking on the radio)remix song by using multi-tracks tape recorders and cutting tape skilfully are really a creative task and masterpiece, but nowadays digital device even mobile phone apps or computer software can do a lot routine remix task without good thinking and creativity???

video kills the radio stars (nowadays I don't really feel any movie or music stars at all), digital kills the creativity?

why old generation of music people are still dare to speak out or comment to the public, look at those "reissue" CD sales comparing to the new generation of music people's cd or internet sales

and the sales of old generation concert ticket, that's why people really care what they say or comment...otherwise who bother to argue

sorry for keeping you to read my old-cake feeling of local Cantonese music history

sadly, it seems this phenomena not just happing locally, but also globally{:1_342:}


Soundboy 發表於 2013-10-8 02:50

I think I should clarify my previous comment about my opinion of Eason.Even though I am "old cake", I think I am very tolerable of newer HK pop music singers, having been to concerts of everyone from Twins to Joey Yung....both acts I like better than I expected.Eason....not so much.Saw him at a concert where he basically stood in the middle of the stage and sang.I don't mind that since singers like Michael Kwan and Ah Lam also do that.However, the older singers have stage presence, whereas Eason has none.No charisma on any kind.Total disappointment.

icefatgirl 發表於 2013-10-8 21:33

Soundboy 發表於 2013-10-7 13:17 static/image/common/back.gif
Having seen Eason live in concert, I would say Eason is totally overrated. Can't believe the guy is...

Eason is totally overrated!! I can't agree with you more!! He's not a star, just a "so so" singer! Don't know why people treated him like God!

smokeyduck 發表於 2013-10-9 01:54

ernietse 發表於 2013-10-8 02:32 static/image/common/back.gif
well, I think just a matter of different old generation and new generation of music value, art, or t ...

can't agree more as i am one of those old bag still enjoying my music collection from the 70's and 80's.

i like my collections and i respect those who doesn't like those but i am expecting others to respect my OWN choice/taste too.

do we all have to listen to the same music? do we all have to use iphone? we are not robot so shall we have our own preference?

oooh, danny chan, alan tam (old songs only), cheng siu chau, roman tam, priscilla chan......lovely!
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