ernietse 發表於 2013-10-3 20:43

Flashdance...what a feeling 1983

thirty years ago, another more successful music movie, but the storyline seem bored a bit{:1_336:}

double dance hits: irene cara (flashdance what a feeling) and Michael sembello (maniac){:1_340:}

文次郎 發表於 2013-10-3 21:00


ernietse 發表於 2013-10-3 21:01

文次郎 發表於 2013-10-3 21:00 static/image/common/back.gif

yes, I like her dog too{:1_339:}

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-10-3 21:06


lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-7-26 20:05

Irene Cara - Flashdance... What A Feelin' (12" Extended Mix)

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-7-26 20:05

Michael Sembello - Maniac Extended Remix 1983.mp4

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-7-26 20:07

Flashdance - Lady, Lady, Lady (Joe Esposito) 1983

ivan_shan 發表於 2014-7-26 23:51

Flashdance... What A Feelin'美版12"黑膠,以及Maniac美版12"黑膠。

Soundboy 發表於 2014-7-26 23:55

I noticed that Jennifer Beals' name is now above the title of the film on the Blu-ray.She still looks almost the same after 30 years.

My 2 West Germany CDs of "Flashdance"

The song "Imagination" from the soundtrack would later be covered by 松田聖子 for her "Sound of My Heart" album....

CDROMRW 發表於 2014-7-28 17:05

Soundboy 發表於 2014-7-26 23:55 static/image/common/back.gif
I noticed that Jennifer Beals' name is now above the title of the film on the Blu-ray.She still lo ...

嘩!真係仲可以做任何 XX 代言人 {:6_134:}

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