r32 發表於 2013-9-28 00:26


It is with regret and sadness that we inform you of the passing of Paul Darbee, founder of DarbeeVision, on Monday, September 23rd.

A truly visionary inventor and entrepreneur with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, Paul’s passion for all things combined with his engineering prowess allowed him to create some truly remarkable, one-of-a-kind technologies. From the universal remote control to the revolutionary image processing capabilities of DVP, Paul used his love of physics and math to create ways to enhance lives through electronics. He was also a baseball aficionado who could be found umpiring youth games in his spare time.

His family and company are deeply saddened by his passing, yet are determined to continue on with Paul’s life work and achieve his ultimate dream: having his technology inventions in the homes of people all over the globe


teddyng637 發表於 2013-9-28 01:09

It's Too Bad {:6_148:}{:6_148:}

小瑟 發表於 2013-9-29 11:35

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

gikifk 發表於 2013-9-29 12:23

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