我覺得ED8的速度感和BASS的反應還是獨有的,不過中頻的演釋風格一致,只是ED12整體聲音laid back一些,有機會樓主可以試下,不過ED8和ED12的系統配搭不一樣,這點樓主也可能要去試時留意一下
>>Thanks for your review! Now thinking seriously if it is my next purchase.
I did have Sig Pro long ago. But to my ears Sig Pro did not sound very impressive for classical music. Not sure if Ed12 will tell another story!
古典的角度來看,我覺得ED12的樂器定位會做得比Sig pro好,但ED12的聲場不算闊,爆既時候可能唔夠勁,不過會聽得幾令人集中同engaging,記憶中chowyeung兄好像是prefer T1多於HD800?這樣的話我覺得ED12也可能是你杯茶也說不定。 >>> 記憶中chowyeung兄好像是prefer T1多於HD800?
Yes I love T1 more than HD800 {:1_259:}
Another attractive point of Ed12 is its light weight (~280g).
hiyori hing, would you say Ed12 is more comfortable than T1 and HD800?
I must find a local shop to try Ed12! 在AV show聽過Edition 12及Signature DJ. 我覺得Edition 12比Edition 10更耐聽, 音色好好, 佩帶非常舒服! Signature DJ超大動態之餘失真非常低, 當時播鼓真係好堅, 不過就聽唔到其他類型音樂!