田伯光 發表於 2013-9-27 12:32

請問有冇師兄用 McIntosh MA 2275 Int AMP??

對比 MA 6700 如何??{:1_330:}

ok102006 發表於 2013-9-30 10:48

本帖最後由 ok102006 於 2013-9-30 10:50 編輯

人聲甜的 INT AMP... this one...

"If you like features, this integrated has none," says ST, but "If you like sweet, highly resolving sound, the LFD offers these aplenty." The latest refinement of LFD's LE integrated amplifier is rated to deliver 60Wpc and has a new chassis of extruded aluminum, a thick top cover, a much thicker faceplate, and three beautifully shaped knobs. The Mk.IV LE uses two MOSFET output devices per channel and a custom-made volume pot, but forgoes convenience features such as tone controls, specialized inputs, and remote handset. Compared with the Mk.III, the Mk.IV LE had a richer, fuller tonal balance, with deep, solid bass, astonishing immediacy, and exceptional dynamic range. "The LFD Mk.IV LE is artisanal hi-fi of the highest order, as much artistry as science," said ST, who bought the review sample. (stereophile class A 2013 - LFD Mk.IV LE - Vol.34 No.1)

田伯光 發表於 2013-9-30 14:24

ok102006 發表於 2013-9-30 10:48 static/image/common/back.gif
人聲甜的 INT AMP... this one...

"If you like features, this integrated has none," says ST, but "If...

Thanks brother.

So this is NOT a tube AMP? How about much?

ok102006 發表於 2013-10-1 12:30

田伯光 發表於 2013-9-30 14:24 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks brother.

So this is NOT a tube AMP? How about much?

It is a solid state amp, its sound will make you rethinking of your preference for tubes.

The USA/Canada version of the LE IV has several upgrades over the international models, you get a special LFD designed output ribbon cable amongst other component upgrades.

usd $3895

Richard Bews has spent the last 15 years tweaking the circuit. All LFD amplifiers are made by Richard, since he need to control quality. Richard Bews is particularly proud of the volume control. The volume pot is custom-made in the Far East and based on an old carbon Alps pot, but it sounds completely different. It is up there with the best at any price.

The LFD MK IV LE has a sweetness, openness, airiness, a way of opening up, spatially that calls to mind not only the best tube amps, but the best flea-watt tube amps. The very-low-powered single-ended triodes.
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