低B問題 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)
今日想學人上Amazon買Blu-ray.好多都話(Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet).請問即係點解呀?係唔係即係一隻Blu-ray + 一隻DVD + 同埋一隻 Digital Copy?
Digital Copy 係乜嘢? 要嚟做乜?
UltraViolet 係乜嘢? 要嚟做乜?
真係好低B. 唔低B, 不過某D問題你响GOOGLE SEARCH可以解答到.
送多隻DVD係佢地問題, 我地都唔知點解. 出發點尼講, 即係你買Blu-ray, 發行就將可以有的media format都盡量俾晒你. search吓舊文都可幫到你{:6_182:} 風見志郎 發表於 2013-9-16 12:59 static/image/common/back.gif
出發點尼講, 即係你買Blu-ray, 發行就將可以有的media format都盡量俾晒你.
出發點嚟講, 可能係可以賣貴D. OK, 明白咗乜嘢係digital copy, 不過搵唔到UtraVoliet係乜. UltraViolet (UV) is a digital rights authentication and cloud-based licensing system that allows users of digital home entertainment content to stream and download purchased content to multiple platforms and devices. UltraViolet adheres to a "buy once, play anywhere" approach that allows users to store digital proof-of-purchases under one account to enable playback of content that is platform- and point-of-sale-agnostic.
明哂, 謝謝ching.
The difference between an Ultraviolet movie and a digital copy
If you have been in the habit of buying a Blu-Ray movie so that you can get a digital copy for your iTunes library, you are now out of luck. Blu-Ray movies, such as "Pirates, Band of Misfits", that I purchased at Target yesterday, are now coming with an "Ultraviolet" movie, instead of the digital copy.
The difference, while it seems subtle at first glance, is very significant. An Ultraviolet movie isn't a digital copy at all, it's a way to log into the Sony Pictures software and view a streaming version. You use their download app, but the movie file isn't really downloaded to your computer. With Ultraviolet, you really don't download and get the file, you stream, like watching a YouTube video. This is what is known as "Cloud" computing, where your files are stored remotely, and your computer, or cell phone, or tablet, is merely a monitor (or a "dumb terminal" as they were called in the days of "mainframe" computers). petergood 發表於 2013-9-16 16:20 static/image/common/back.gif
明哂, 謝謝ching.
The difference between an Ultraviolet movie and a digital copy
知都無咩用,UV同DC香港都用唔到,浪費哂! 剛剛Amazon覆咗我, 佢話 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) 係指 available options, 唔係指同時俾哂咁多嘢你.
Message From Customer Service
I'm sorry for any misunderstanding.
I checked our website and for that "Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet" these four are the available format for this movie (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet).
I also confirm that you will receive only the Blu-ray format of this item.
I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Best regards,
Karthikeyan P
不過點解睇舊post, ching 話收到 digital copy?