I currently have 2 things that need power, DAC and AMP.I want to know the Advantages and Disadvantages of the 3 setup below:
1. Change the wall Socket to US Style (ex: Oyaide SWO-XXX) --> US power Cable -->DAC and Amp?
2. Change the wall Socket to US Style (ex: Oyaide SWO-XXX) --> US Power Distributor (ex: Oyaide MTB-4) -->US power Cable --> DAC and Amp?
3. Upgrade the wall Socket to Audio grade UK socket (ex: Sine SW-1P UK) --> UK plug (ex: MK Red Hospital grade) --> Power Distributor (ex: Oyaide MTB-4) --> US power cable --> DAC and Amp? C hing?? 小弟嘗試幫師兄解答下, 如果有錯請指教.
1. Change the wall Socket to US Style (ex: Oyaide SWO-XXX) --> US power Cable -->DAC and Amp?
好處係d電夠直接, 同時慳左錢. 正所謂多隻香爐多隻鬼, 過於繁複會令質素下降.
當然咁做要睇師兄本身既家居供電情況, 如果本身夠好, 咁無問題; 如果差, 可能會令聲音更差.
2. Change the wall Socket to US Style (ex: Oyaide SWO-XXX) --> US Power Distributor (ex: Oyaide MTB-4) -->US power Cable --> DAC and Amp?
先經過個拖板既話, 而以師兄假設用oyaide既為例, 拖板線長左(audio grade)可以改變/改善電源質素, 理論上某程度上會好過方案一(如果拖板同拖板線都係質素好既話), 但問題係成本一定貴唔少.
3. Upgrade the wall Socket to Audio grade UK socket (ex: Sine SW-1P UK) --> UK plug (ex: MK Red Hospital grade) --> Power Distributor (ex: Oyaide MTB-4) --> US power cable --> DAC and Amp?
如果師兄玩2ch既, 正路都係用美式最好, 因為英插有fuse, 會好影響聲音質素, 但可以話有多重保護, 用得安心d吧.
另外英插要有好質素, 都非古河莫屬, 但最多問題係下下都成$700一隻, 而且成套器材都變成古河聲, 呢樣唔係咁好吧...
以上只係小弟小小既個人意見, 有任何錯漏請多多指教. Thank you very much for Ching's long explanation, very detailed and clear!!{:1_245:}
I guess option 1 is the best to start with, but how do I know if my AC power is clean or not? anyway to test? If not clean, should I use conditioner?
One more question about setup 1 is that each cable to will be longer, is that better or worse? Any C Hing??