Entreq 又有新地盒
Entreq Atlantis Ground BoxesAtlantis Tellus
Atlantis Tellus only have one outlet and should be placed on the top and connected to a Silver Tellus with a special cable (included).
You will get a even darker background, more details in music and more air in the sound.
Atlantis Minimus
Atlantis Minimus should be connected to Minimus/Silver Minimus or a Tellus and give a significant upgrade. If you add a Atlantis Minimus to your Tellus you will have nearly same performance as with a single Silver Tellus. As with Atlantis Tellus there are a special cable included.
"地盒都有奶媽!" 又要兩萬幾銀!?!?!?{:6_121:} 就來買齊花十萬咩都電器都無得地盒{:1_352:} 有搶錢呀{:6_126:} yeleung 發表於 2013-9-13 11:05 static/image/common/back.gif
唔知呢?不過適合用開銅地盒,再加銀地盒變成接近 "銀"雙地盒。
師兄,又可以諗諗! ryanytwong 發表於 2013-9-13 11:15 static/image/common/back.gif
輔材就係咁樣 {:6_238:} sealteam4 發表於 2013-9-13 11:13 static/image/common/back.gif
仲要加埋地盒線呢 {:6_190:} jackt 發表於 2013-9-13 11:17 static/image/common/back.gif
唔知呢?不過適合用開銅地盒,再加銀地盒變成接近 "銀"雙地盒。
師兄,又可以諗諗! ...
好! you buy i buy.{:6_174:} yeleung 發表於 2013-9-13 11:33 static/image/common/back.gif
好! you buy i buy.
{:6_241:}無位,無錢,又身痕 {:6_187:}
師兄,救救我 {:6_137:} 十分貴 {:6_211:}{:6_211:}