小鐵人 發表於 2013-9-12 23:26

本帖最後由 小鐵人 於 2013-9-12 23:29 編輯

r32 發表於 2013-9-12 12:11 static/image/common/back.gif
No format war as 4K Blu-ray discs spin closer

The announcement of a next-gen Blu-ray disc is immine ...

CHing : 有傳言 SONY 將加快研發大容量 blu-ray,
原因係除了 4k 電影外, 還會有 4K 畫面遊戲,
用來抗衡 microsoft 的野心 !
因 microsoft 巳宣告重踏 pc game 市場,
用 win 8 配合 XBOX 1, 兩者互通配合侵佔家用遊戲市場,
所以 PS4 有機會先敗一仗 !

筋肉人 發表於 2013-9-12 23:28

原明 發表於 2013-9-12 17:37 static/image/common/back.gif

咁D HDMI線 咪唔用得?????{:1_346:}

r32 發表於 2013-9-12 23:43


德国新格拉斯科技集团开发了蓝光光碟生产线BLULINE II,产品存储容量为50GB,在单面双层蓝光光碟这一领域,公司在世界领域都占据独特的位置。

过去两年内,设备概念有所发展,公司开发了三层蓝光光盘,储存容量为100GB,这使得德国新格拉斯科技集团可以快速而又灵活的应对不断发展的市场需求。BLULINE III产品就是在不断完善的BLULINE II基础上开发的新生代产品。

蓝光光盘存储容量为100GB,其三层存储层可以存储更多数据信息(例如,新型的高分辨率视频格式“超高清画质”,其分辨率为3,840 x 2,160像素点)



r32 發表於 2013-9-12 23:44

100GB discs point to 4K Blu-ray

An announcement by Singulus Technologies, a maker of replication machines that produce Blu-ray discs, points toward a new standard for 4K
by David Katzmaier
September 12, 2013 6:41 AM PDT

A physical media standard for next-generation 4K video now looks closer than ever.

A German optical disc replication equipment maker by the name of Singulus Technologies has announced details on a new machine, the Bluline III, capable of manufacturing triple-layer Blu-ray discs that can store up to 100GB.

The current Blu-ray disc standard used by most home video releases supports capacities up to 50GB.

The announcement of machines capable of delivering higher capacity pressed discs comes prior to any official word from the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), the industry coalition that's currently discussing a new standard for 4K Blu-ray in its committees.

But as HDTVTest.uk rightly points out, the new Singulus machines are as solid an indicator as any that an official 4K Blu-ray format is on the way soon: "After all, there would be no other use for a machine capable of manufacturing factory-pressed 100GB discs if a hardware update was not imminent."

The last such major announcement of a Blu-ray specification by the BDA was December 2009, when the association revealed the 3D Blu-ray spec. Plenty of 4K news is expected around the time of the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show in January, which seems a natural time for the BDA to make 4K Blu-ray official, absent any delays.

Sony's proprietary video player notwithstanding, lack of content is one of the major knocks against 4K. With the 4K-friendlier HDMI 2.0 standard finally official, and numerous new 4K sets hitting the market at ever-more-affordable prices, the industry's pumps are primed to address that lack.


r32 發表於 2013-9-12 23:58

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Presents Production Technology for 100 GB Blu-ray Disc

September 10, 2013

◾First successful production tests for 100 GB Blu-ray Disc
◾Innovative production machines developed under the brand name BLULINE III
◾New ultra-high definition TV format in the spotlight at the IFA
◾100 GB Blu-ray Disc ideal for playback of movies in 4K resolution

Kahl am Main, September 10, 2013 - The SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG (SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES) developed a new replication line under the product name BLULINE III for the manufacturing of triple-layer Blu-ray Discs with a storage capacity of 100 GB. Production equipment by SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES enables the production of next generation optical discs on the basis of the current BLULINE II machines for dual-layer Blu-ray Discs.

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck, Chief Executive Officer of the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG, comments: “Just in time for the market introduction of the new ultra-high definition television technology (4K or Ultra-HD), we completed the development of the production technology for the new triple-layer Blu-ray Discs with 100 GB storage capacity”. Dr. Rinck adds: “For SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES, in the Optical Disc segment the year 2013 has been very positive overall. Until the end of this year’s August we received significantly more orders for Blu-ray Disc production machines than in the prior-year period. We also see good opportunities for the sales of our Blu-ray production equipment in the future. The positive life cycle of the Blu-ray Disc will continue for some years with the launch of the new ultra-high definition television format”.

The further advancement of today’s Blu-ray Discs, the triple-layer Blu-ray Discs with 100 GB storage capacity, is the preferred playback medium for the new 4K technology. With the realization of a new and specifically designed data compression method for the ultra-high definition technology, the storage volume per information layer can be increased from 25 GB to 33 GB. In its committees, the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) is currently discussing the specifications of new, global standards. SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES already completed the marketable concept of a new replication line.

At the IFA 2013 media and technology companies provide insights into the future of television: Sky, Astra, Sony, Harmonic, the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institute and the German TV-Platform present ultra-high definition. The new generation of high definition television provides four times the resolution (3,840 x 2,560 pixels) of HDTV. 4K will become less expensive: in Berlin a Chinese manufacturer is presenting new Ultra-HD TVs with a price tag of less than € 2,000.


小鐵人 發表於 2013-9-13 00:38

今次 4K 的氣勢比當年 3D 强得多,
在眾多硬件生產商支持下, 將加快 4k 普及,
HDMI 巳公告2.0規格, 到時 AV AMP , BD PLAYER, TV...等
將會來一個大洗牌, 對他們來講係好消息,
但對消費者就壞消息了 !{:6_200:}

r32 發表於 2013-9-13 00:46

小鐵人 發表於 2013-9-13 00:38 static/image/common/back.gif
今次 4K 的氣勢比當年 3D 强得多,
在眾多硬件生產商支持下, 將加快 4k 普及,
HDMI 巳公告2.0規格, 到時 AV...

尤其是AV amp一定要等BD的聲音規格定出至好買.

小鐵人 發表於 2013-9-13 01:01

r32 發表於 2013-9-13 00:46 static/image/common/back.gif
尤其是AV amp一定要等BD的聲音規格定出至好買.

所以現在衹有靜觀其變 !
不過應該都快 !
主要等明年初日本電視台 4k 廣播,
就開始會有定案, 記得當年 blu-ray 起手,
亦是由電視廣播開始帶起的 !{:6_175:}

原明 發表於 2013-9-13 08:00

筋肉人 發表於 2013-9-12 23:28 static/image/common/back.gif
咁D HDMI線 咪唔用得?????


Stanley5387 發表於 2013-9-13 08:09

MSZ 發表於 2013-9-12 09:14 static/image/common/back.gif
家用BD已經出咗7年幾, 業用BD早喺2004年已經有.

我玩咗 BD 六年,咁算抵玩囉! {:6_188:}
頁: 1 2 [3] 4
查看完整版本: 4K BD傳已拍板

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