大家對D300s點睇? (8月尾出)
會唔會考慮upgrade D300s呢?定係等D300落價, 入D300呢?http://www.nikon-image.com/jpn/products/camera/slr/digital/d300s/img/gallery/pic_001.jpg nikon 真係好進取.....啲機出得好密 有新買新﹐但會唔會加多少少上D700呢? 都唔係少少...我估相差有效$5k以上!
D300.....around $10500 now
D70.......around $17000 now 假如你係考慮D300s, 咁個差價會細好多
D300s - $13980
D700 - $17000
當然你可能只係想買D300﹐咁差別就大了。 I'll only consider Full Frame (the next version of D700) {:6_138:} I'll only consider Full Frame (the next version of D700) {:6_138:}
iceberg99 發表於 2009-8-1 00:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
full frame 已經係大勢所趨 寧願買D300, 萬鬆d真係好抵玩~
買得D300s都唔爭在比多少少買D700啦~ 不果我咁睇,
如果舊鏡唔多, 又或者新用戶,
D300s 已經好好, 係同D2X同一個spec,
差5K 買多支鏡好過.
但係如果你舊有既龍友, 咁使講喇{:6_183:}
一定係full frame, 正所謂貴買平用{:6_182:}