David_Vincent 發表於 2013-9-8 20:42

plnl88 發表於 2013-9-8 19:39 static/image/common/back.gif
岩岩行過中原,見到部 sony 4K 55" demo 足球賽。
立體感似乎尚未追到部 500a 啵? ...


eyebyeye 發表於 2013-9-9 00:01

msms0117 發表於 2013-9-8 12:07 static/image/common/back.gif
* 那麼用 極高分辨率的電視機觀看1080p影像的效果又如何呢?
在測試之前 ...

1)「原來全港只得2個真正高清台」!? 你d料咁out架, TVB的所有數碼台包括J2, 亞視的「本港」及「亞洲」都已經全部高清化...

2)雖然不是真正4K訊號, 但經過4K電視機的優質插值增線技術提昇下, 實際比較了一下, 4K電視機播1080P比2K電視機播更清析, 並無明顯噪聲出現。 正如用優質Blu-ray機在2K電視機上播放DVD片源一樣, 在增線功能下, 比用普通DVD機播放晝質更佳。

jjjjjn 發表於 2013-9-9 01:58

本帖最後由 jjjjjn 於 2013-9-9 02:05 編輯

SONY 55" X9000A 26,999-2,400=RMB24,599{:6_178:}

Sun811 發表於 2013-9-9 09:35

我大佬最近都買咗部Sony頂級4K TV,我上去幫佢校電視,一tick過完成,三隻色由10%-100%條線直到嚇死你,D點全中D65(除咗0%),但與我部VT20比,我覺得只是嬴小小,當然用1080p來比,現時的4K TV暫時都是欠缺軟件,不是身痕的可以不用買住。

msms0117 發表於 2013-9-9 11:23

本帖最後由 msms0117 於 2013-9-9 11:24 編輯

eyebyeye 發表於 2013-9-9 00:01 static/image/common/back.gif
1)「原來全港只得2個真正高清台」!? 你d料咁out架, TVB的所有數碼台包括J2, 亞視的「本港」及「亞洲」都 ...

1) 1080i =偽高清
2) If you think 4K TV is good to use , then why don't you buy a 4K TV and write a report to us ?
    You don't have a 4K TV yet ? Why ?

bensoncfmak 發表於 2013-9-9 12:43

plnl88 發表於 2013-9-8 19:39 static/image/common/back.gif
岩岩行過中原,見到部 sony 4K 55" demo 足球賽。
立體感似乎尚未追到部 500a 啵? ...


plnl88 發表於 2013-9-9 13:27

bensoncfmak 發表於 2013-9-9 12:43 static/image/common/back.gif

D MTV 呀,超級PF30 呀,全用冰紅。
D 聲比畫面更得人驚。
而家 D 家訪客人 全部比怪獸 D 聲嚇死多過 500a 的畫質。{:6_176:} 。

eyebyeye 發表於 2013-9-9 14:06

msms0117 發表於 2013-9-9 11:23 static/image/common/back.gif
1) 1080i =偽高清
2) If you think 4K TV is good to use , then why don't you buy a 4K TV and write ...

1)Once you said「1080i =偽高清」, means you really don't understand what is full HD, 1080i & 1080p.Both 1080i & 1080p are 1080 x 1920 full HD with different method of display scanning. I = Interlace(隔行交錯式掃描) and P = Progressive(逐行掃描), 1080P is better than 1080i theoretically but it never means 1080i is not full HD ! Understand!?

2)Although I did try to correct your misleading of playing 2K video on 4K TV will result worse picture quality, and even 4K TV may result better picture for playing 2K video, it has no absolute reason for someone to replace his 2K TV at this stage for many other considerations. Also, you may like to write a report after you bought a 4K TV but it is not everyone's style. I would like to enjoy it quietly rather than wasting time to write a report to show off or prove something for you. I wonder you may have something wrong with the way how you see things and react.Take care!

3)Although your first post is quite "detail" talking about how bad will be low resolution video displaying on high resolution TV, it is misleading and outdated. Also, your are only a copy cat since most of the content is only copy and paste from somewhere.

msms0117 發表於 2013-9-9 15:48

本帖最後由 msms0117 於 2013-9-9 15:53 編輯

eyebyeye 發表於 2013-9-9 14:06 static/image/common/back.gif
1)Once you said「1080i =偽高清」, means you really don't understand what is full HD, 1080i & 1080p ...

1) 全高清的解析度需達到1080p。
1080i是“偽高清”,when seller want to sellpeople a 1080i TV , we always say it is a "偽高清TV", at today 1080i is not enough .

2) You never have a 4K TV before , then when when you talking about 4K TV , you are not a COPY CAT ?
Oh~ How do you get that information abou 4K TV , from COPY DOG ? HaHa~
OK~OK~ You are THE GREAT , don't be angry . HaHa~

gikifk 發表於 2013-9-9 16:58

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