r32 發表於 2013-9-5 00:27

Sony new flagship pj


In addition to Sony and HW55ES VW500ES, Sony released earlier this year a new version of its high-end, it will name the VPL-VW1100ES to integrate the updates present on the VW500ES (tri-bright, taken HDMI 2.0) but also the housing WIFI connection and RF 3D glasses.

According to a source, the owners of the current VPL-VW1000ES will the "Premium Support" and a fee, update the cards to upgrade the 1000ES 1100ES in what would be a wonderful new and guarantee respect for brand buyers who have invested a large sum of money to acquire it.

So three SONY 4K projectors that offer for sale by the end of 2013.

The video projection year 2013 - 2014 will undoubtedly be marked with the stamp and the initials SONY 4K.The price is expected to remain similar to the current VW1000ES is € 18,999


r32 發表於 2013-9-5 09:54

本帖最後由 r32 於 2013-9-5 10:10 編輯

Today, Sony is happy to announce more details of our VPL-VW1000ES update plan that we know many of you have been waiting for. Since this plan relates to some technologies that had not been announced, we needed a little time so we could discuss all the necessary details of the program. We thank you for waiting and trusting us, and hope that you will see this as an outstanding opportunity, as we do.

As you know the VPL-VW1000ES was designed over 2 years ago, before recent security and HDMI standards were implemented. Now that those standards have been announced, we want to give owners an option to update their projector to take advantage of the new standards and the content that they enable. So, without further delay, here is what we are offering:

If you purchased your projector in the United States and it is presently in the US, You are being offered the chance to upgrade your existing projector. Simply contact your dealer and they will take care of the arrangements and let you know of the costs, but please give them a little time as we were unable to contact every dealer ahead of time. Talk to your dealer and decide if the upgrade should be done at your home or at their shop, but physical update of the projector will be performed by a Sony technician, in either case. The update will not only add the ability to use the new Sony FMP-X1 4K Media Player but also adds 4K 60P (4:2:0) functionality to your projector for future 60P content.

As you might know, the FMP-X1 media player comes with multiple Hollywood movies pre-loaded, but Sony has just added a live storefront to allow purchasing of additional 4K movies, as well. When updated, your VPL-VW1000ES will have the ability to play major studio movies in native 4K UHD resolution, so, as part of the upgrade package, we are including an FMP-X1 unit. Since the media player needs a Sony application to interface with your Sony Entertainment Network account, we are also including a Sony Tablet Z, as well. This award winning fully-functional Android-based tablet is used to allow you to purchase titles from the storefront, as well as to control the media player. At this time, the FMP-X1 is the only 4K player device that can provide access to major studio content, so we are happy to include it, as well.

The in-home or dealer shop update will provide HDCP 2.2 copy protection support, 60P 4K (4:2:0) playback, a 4K Media Player and a tablet to control it. Since we are basically updating your projector with new features, we wanted to include a new lamp so that when installed it will really be like getting an entirely new projector.

The value of all the components totals over $3,000, not counting the service technician or additional dealer services. Our expected cost to you for the update is $2,500 (10% of the list price for the projector), but check with your dealers as they are ultimately the ones that will set the final price. Please note that this is an optional upgrade and your projector only needs this update if you wish to add 4K player functionality to it.

We know that today you have one of the best projectors on the market and hope that you appreciate our efforts to give you an option to add features and support your projector so that it can be used well into the future with the newer standards. We tried to do so at the minimal cost and have worked hard to provide you with additional value. In fact, we are even going to add some more features that we will announce at CEDIA, so we feel that you will be even happier with the additional capabilities we will be announcing then.

Please understand that we have been waiting for the HDMI organization to finalize their newest specifications and, as such, the upgrades will not be ready until about November. However, we do ask that you pre-order as soon as possible so that we may ensure the availability of parts. Also note that, due to costs and logistics, we will be offering this update for a limited period of time only. The last day your dealer will be able to order the upgrade will be March 31st 2014.

posted by Sony Dave

美國Sony服務無得頂, 即買1000ES等update, 着數過買500ES / 1100ES.

r32 發表於 2013-9-5 11:17

本帖最後由 r32 於 2013-9-5 11:21 編輯


兩個月之前AVS的確有人發起聯署, 關於1000ES未能播放月餅盒的4K電影一事, 要對Sony的失實描述提出訴訟.

如果不為1000ES提供HDMI 2.0 upgrade的話, Sony已算作出"失實描述", 以下影片在2012年四月上載, 接受訪問的是Amy Escobio 小姐, 時任Front Projector Marketing Manager for Sony Electronics’ Home Audio and Video Division.

大家留心 3 : 45


r32 發表於 2013-9-26 22:39

本帖最後由 r32 於 2013-9-26 22:46 編輯

Sony在CEDIA公佈了VW1100ES的新資料 :


r32 發表於 2013-9-26 22:54


SONY VPL-VW1100ES 4K VPL-VW1000ES Replacement - Price € 18,999

Owners of the current VPL-VW1000ES will the "Premium Support" and a fee (estimated at 2000 euros price) update to their precious to the VPL-VW1100ES.

The update does not include the self-calibration has the VPL-VW500ES.

Active 3D RF.


r32 發表於 2013-9-26 23:13

Sony Press release

r32 發表於 2013-9-27 08:04

本帖最後由 r32 於 2013-9-27 08:06 編輯

I met SonyDave and had a great talk with him. All us 1000ES early adopters owe him a great deal of thanks for helping bring about this upgrade package, which as he said, will make the 1000ES into a 1100ES.

In addition to replacing the I/O board (for HDMI 2.0), the entire Motherboard will be replaced, all with the latest FW. This will allow various pic enhancements, e.g., to deal with 'mastered in 4K' BD's.

Panel adjustment in R, G, and B will now be possible (not just R and B). The CMS capabilities of the 1100ES are essentially the same as those in the 1000ES (in service menu), and the light engines are essentially the same, both quoted as producing 2000 lumens). Even the logo on the menu of the upgraded 1000ES will note it to be a 1100ES!

The only drawback, that some of you asked about, is that the warranty of the upgrade 1000ES will not be increased beyond the 3 yrs from the original date of purchase, but with the reliability of these machines I don't see this as a major deal.

Only the 600ES (MSRP $15K) was shown, and it did indeed look very nice. MSRP of the 1100ES is $28K,

In summary, this 1000ES upgrade deal is better than I think any of us had expected and is a generous offer for Sony's most adverturesome customers. I don't see how any 1000ES owner can pass this up.

post by millerwill, avs

按 : VW1000ES根本不設CMS, 暫時亦未証實1100ES設有與否

r32 發表於 2013-10-9 21:04

ソニーは、4K SXRDプロジェクタのフラッグシップモデル「VPL-VW1100ES」を12月5日より発売する。価格は178万5,000円。

      0.74型/4,096×2,160ドットの4K SXRDパネルを搭載したプロジェクタ。2011年発売の「VPL-VW1000ES」の後継機で、新たにHDMIの4K/60p入力や、超解像処理の「リアリティクリエーション」に「Mastered in 4K」モードを搭載するなどで、機能強化を図っている。
      なお、VPL-VW1000ESユーザー向けに、基板交換によりHDMIの4K/60p入力やMastered in 4K対応とする、有償のアップグレードサービスを実施予定。これにより、VW1000ESをほぼVW1100ES相当にアップグレードできる。価格や提供方法については後日案内予定。
      HDMIの4K/60p対応とMastered in 4K以外の主な仕様はVPL-VW1000ESを継承している。

 投写デバイスは0.74型の4K SXRDで、解像度はDCI(デジタルシネマ・イニシアティブ)規格に準拠した4,096×2,160ドット。アスペクト比は1.90:1。画素間スペースは0.2μm。開口率は90%。階調特性は12bit、フレームレートは120Hz。

 シリコン駆動基板(画素駆動回路/画素電極形成プロセス)を平坦化することで、液晶層の厚みを均一化。表示輝度にムラが少なく高コントラストな画質を実現。また、プロ用カメラのイメージャー固着技術を「4K SXRD」の固着に採用することで、パネル精度を向上し、高度な光学部品設計や位置補正機能を搭載することで、高精度なパネルアラインメントが可能とした。

 ディスプレイデバイスや映像処理回路は、11月発売の4Kエントリーモデル「VPL-VW500ES」と共通。VW1100ESとVW500ESの違いは、主に「レンズ」と「色域」の広さの2点で、この違いにより、ソニーはVPL-VW1100ESを「ソニー ホームシアタープロジェクタにおける絶対的フラッグシップモデル」と位置づける。



 「色域」については、専用のカラーフィルター搭載により、DCIと同等の広色域を実現。VW500ESはBT.709比で色再現領域は約123%だが、VW1100ESでは約139%をカバー。Adobe RGBもサポートする。また、広色再現領域の「トリルミナスディスプレイ」に対応する。

 フルHD解像度の映像を高精細かつリアルな4K映像に変換する、データベース型超解像処理LSI「リアリティクリエーション」を搭載。新たに、リアリティクリエーションに「Mastered in 4K」モードを追加した。これにより、ソニー・ピクチャーズの4KマスタリングBDビデオソフト「Mastered in 4K」に対応し、Mastered in 4Kソフトをよりマスターに忠実に再現できるとする。


 入力端子はHDMI×2と、コンポーネント×1、アナログRGB(D-Sub15ピン)×1。HDMIは、4K/24p、30pのほか、4K/60p信号(4:2:0)の入力に対応し、既存のハイスピードケーブルで伝送可能。なお、HDCP 2.2への対応については「非公開」としている。トリガー端子や、RS-232Cのリモート端子、Ethernet、3D同期用のシンクロ端子などを備えている。



bigair 發表於 2013-10-10 22:33


r32 發表於 2013-10-16 08:31

本帖最後由 r32 於 2013-10-16 08:34 編輯


原來內部是12 bit影像處埋.
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