billyab419 發表於 2013-9-2 23:56

Cypher Labs New product Theorem 720 DAC

本帖最後由 billyab419 於 2013-9-3 00:02 編輯

Announcing the Theorem 720 DAC, integrated headphone amplifier and 24/192 USB DAC for Apple devices, Android and Computers

Our latest product is the Theorem 720 DAC. A fully integrated headphone amplifier featuring balanced headphone output and ultra long battery life. Use most USB audio capable devices as a source: Apple devices, some Android devices (*), PC or Mac (**).

Reference grade audio quality in a portable all-in-one package. We've taken everything we learned from the Solo, Solo -R and Solo -dB and packaged it together with high end amplification. Capable of driving very demanding headphones with a warm rich sound, yet with <1ohm impedance.

The Theorem 720 DAC charges Apple devices while playing and still lasts a very long time. We've included a 8700mAh battery that can take you across an ocean without worry.

For those who still prefer separate components to match to any number of analog headphone amps, we still offer the AlgoRhythm Solo -R and Solo -dB. See our product page for the details on all these products.

* Requires USB Audio capability, mirco SD card and third part app purchase "USB Audio Recorder Pro". See our blog on this topic. ** Mac needs no driver; PC's require our driver. Both operate at up to 24/192 quality.

嘩!Cypher Labs终於都出自家DAC+AMP一體機,放棄左同ALO既AMP合作,唔知會唔會殺出一條新血路出多幾部淨AMP呢??


hiyori 發表於 2013-9-3 00:14


billyab419 發表於 2013-9-3 00:26

hiyori 發表於 2013-9-3 00:14 static/image/common/back.gif
不過Android部份要另外用專用app這點有點微妙,看來他們用了特別driver,未必支持 ...


Android部份要用''USB Audio Recorder Pro'',而且大部份Android device裝左個app都末必一定用到,要睇機型同撞神手

好想知佢同hifi m8既表現比較,因為功能同價位m8都比佢好

hiyori 發表於 2013-9-3 01:20

billyab419 發表於 2013-9-3 00:26 static/image/common/back.gif

Android部份要用''USB Audio Recorder Pro'',而且大部份Android device裝左個a ...


billyab419 發表於 2013-9-3 01:55

本帖最後由 billyab419 於 2013-9-3 01:58 編輯

hiyori 發表於 2013-9-3 01:20 static/image/common/back.gif
Android機要撞手神啊...謝謝師兄分享,師兄會唔會仲有d料可以分享下,這方面的資訊相當保 ...


以小弟所知,此機同SOLO R,SOLO DB都係用同一粒DAC>>>AKM4396
賣點除左idevice/Android/PC DAC+AMP,balanced,體積比M8細之外,仲有係18小時續航力(8700mah)
但係同SOLO DB比就無左balanced output,Digital S/PDIF output,同軸 input
得番line out..............

•        The headphone outs have as close to 0 ohm impedance as possible (less than 1ohm). The headphone output levels themselves depend upon the gain settings. With the volume pot set to 100%:
High Gain
•        Single Ended output = 11.3 dB
•        Balanced Output = 5.5 dB
•        Mid Gain
Single Ended Output = 3.5 dB
•        Balanced Output = -2.3 dB
•        Low Gain
•        Single Ended Output = -9 dB
Balanced Output = -14.8 dB

All outputs are the same for single ended and balanced:
•        32 ohm = 205 mW
•        50 ohm = 320 mW
•        300 ohm = 68 mW
•        600 ohm = 34 mW


t1174 發表於 2013-9-3 02:33

hiyori 發表於 2013-9-3 00:14 static/image/common/back.gif
不過Android部份要另外用專用app這點有點微妙,看來他們用了特別driver,未必支持 ...

好像可以上到 超過原生的 96/24, 去192 OR EVEN 384?

billyab419 發表於 2013-9-3 02:38

t1174 發表於 2013-9-3 02:33 static/image/common/back.gif
好像可以上到 超過原生的 96/24, 去192 OR EVEN 384?

android    192/24
PC\MAC   192/24
idevice       48/16

breadvan 發表於 2013-9-3 10:22

USB Audio Recorder Pro has its own custom driver bypassing Android kernel, thus able to play back as high as currently DXD file format, 24/352.8 kHz.It doesn’t work with all DAC but the app itself is so affordable it is worth trying, although the interface is very ‘Pro Audio’ like hence minimal functionality from playback point of view.

There is a very good list of which Android known to work with which portable dac/amp on, so information not heard to find.

breadvan 發表於 2013-9-3 10:24

billyab419 發表於 2013-9-3 00:26 static/image/common/back.gif

Android部份要用''USB Audio Recorder Pro'',而且大部份Android device裝左個a ...

好想知佢同hifi m8既表現比較,因為功能同價位m8都比佢好 x 2

Iwant to know too!

These dac/amp are getting more expensive everyday, and BIG!

lamhokin 發表於 2013-9-3 12:15

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