DBBoy 發表於 2013-8-30 22:39


本帖最後由 DBBoy 於 2013-8-31 00:45 編輯

發現Korg做呢個software其實比人把MR2/MR2000S由DSD錄音轉做44.1/48/96/192 wav,而不是升頻。而家我已改用Audacity
做24/192。我套野:eeepc/notebook --> UD501 --> Crown CTs2000 --> Revel F12

odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-31 00:29


Do you mean converting from PCM to DSD?

DBBoy 發表於 2013-8-31 00:42

44.1 --> DSD

odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-31 01:36

Converting to other format (in this case from WAV 44.1 to DSD) may sound different.For the reason that conversion algorithm is not perfect. There is possibility that one would like the converted sound more as it is personal taste which is subjective.

I have customer carried in WAV 44.1 and converted DSD file and compared. They sound different, very slightly. The customer was very excited with what he has achieved with this conversion (he described it as much smoother for vocal).He was so excited that I could not tell him comment that it is small and may not be improvement.If he tried converting some high quality classical record, this change due to format conversion could have been negative.   

I'm very happy with DXD and DSD and other high resolution PCM record directly from master.But not keen in conversion or upsampling to improve sound.

liclic 發表於 2013-8-31 03:29

Agreed Odysseyhk ching!

DSD and PCM (wav, flac, aiff, mp3) are different format.
Audiogate can covert PCM to DSD only. If the source is not good, then the converted DSD file is not good logically.
The converted DSD may be worse than original PCM due to conversion algorithm.

DBBoy Ching, don't force yourself to convert the DSD from PCM, u need to pay larger storage. If you have CD, convert them to WAV or AIFF, rather than DSD. If you wants DSD file, try to download by Internet (need to pay) or convert SACD to DSD by old-version modified PS3.

DBBoy 發表於 2013-8-31 09:05

odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-31 01:36 static/image/common/back.gif
Converting to other format (in this case from WAV 44.1 to DSD) may sound different.For the reason...

赞同師兄说话,我前日係channel classic download 咗dsd,靓声到攞命。

DBBoy 發表於 2013-8-31 09:12

liclic 發表於 2013-8-31 03:29 static/image/common/back.gif
Agreed Odysseyhk ching!

DSD and PCM (wav, flac, aiff, mp3) are different format.

多谢指点,其实我出呢个post係想人知audiogate实际用途並非upsampling dsd,
因呢几日係gearslutz d舊post才了解呢个software係用d錄音師张dsd錄音转做
wave或pcm. 而家我唔会咁做囉。{:6_183:}
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: Audiogate是用黎升做DSD????????

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