icefatgirl 發表於 2013-8-27 16:58


Before Rod Stewart became known as a global rock superstar and master interpreter of the Great American Songbook, the albums he made for the Mercury label between 1969 and 1974 established him as one of rock's most distinctive and expressive singers and gifted songwriters. The five solo albums that Stewart released during that period-The Rod Stewart Album (1969), Gasoline Alley (1970), Every Picture Tells a Story (1971), Never a Dull Moment (1972) and Smiler (1974) feature a rootsy, folk-blues-leaning style, steeped in traditional soul and R&B. This brand-new, two-CD, 24-track collection features rare tracks from these early solo albums. Included are alternate versions, singles, B-sides, studio outtakes and covers of The Who, Bob Dylan, Goffin/King, Cole Porter, Jimi Hendrix, and more, plus previously unreleased BBC Radio One live performances of 'Maggie May' and 'Country Comfort' with Faces.

Release Date : 02-SEP-2013

Disc: 1
1. It's All Over Now (Single Version)
2. Country Comforts (BBC Radio 1 Performance)
3. Maggie May (Early Version)
4. Seems Like a Long Time (Alternate Version)
5. Lost Paraguayos (Alternate Version)
6. Italian Girls (Early Version)
7. You Wear It Well (Early Version)
8. I'd Rather Go Blind (Alternate Version)
9. Angel (Alternate Version)
10. What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made A Loser Out Of Me)
11. Pinball Wizard (From 'Tommy')
12. Everytime We Say Goodbye (Summer 1973 Sessions)

Disc: 2
1. Oh! No Not My Baby
2. Jodie
3. So Tired
4. Missed You
5. Think I'll Pack My Bags (Early Version of 'Mystifies Me')
6. Girl From The North County (Alternate Version)
7. (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Man (Alternate Version)
8. Farewell (Early Version)
9. So Tired (Early Version)
10. You Put Something Better Inside Of Me
11. Crying Laughing Loving Lying
12. Maggie May (BBC Radio 1 Performance)
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