kh22 發表於 2013-10-5 23:07

本帖最後由 kh22 於 2015-8-7 22:47 編輯

回歸hard rock, Rainbow On Stage,值得再提,Ritchie Blackmore 的結他.RonnieJames Dio的vocal,最愛Catch the Rainbow中的合作,天衣無縫,聽完disc 1,再聽disc 2 bonus tracks ,同一首Catch the Rainbow, 更加精彩,被Blackmoore 的結他牽引著,全曲長18分鐘,正到無倫{:6_193:}{:6_193:}

ernietse 發表於 2013-10-5 23:37

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2013-10-5 23:45 編輯

How about Japanese rock band "Creation", {:1_338:}

they do play concert in hong kong in the 80's

Track#3: carry on and Track#1: lonely heart were heavily played by suzie wong (ah so) in CR2 before{:1_346:}

kh22 發表於 2013-10-6 11:37

ernietse 發表於 2013-10-5 23:37 static/image/common/back.gif
How about Japanese rock band "Creation",

they do play concert in hong kong in the 80's

少聽Creation,隻Dreams, I dream of you 就有聽過,Danny Summer翻唱同改編過-想起你.

kh22 發表於 2013-10-7 21:25

本帖最後由 kh22 於 2013-10-9 15:38 編輯

吾夠喉,整多隻Rainbow Live in Munich 1977,有Long Live Rock N Roll,Man on Silver Mountain 14:32,直落全首玩曬{:6_237:} Still I'm Sad 19:57, classical 和搖滾的精彩結合,Cozy Powell 的 drum solo 又與Blackmore互jam,睇機時間係全長27min.{:6_193:} {:6_193:} Do you Close your eyes 17:30,ending 係 over the rainbow{:6_207:} 過足癮.

Soundboy 發表於 2013-10-8 03:18

Peter Ng, Eugene Pao, Donald Ashley, 周啟生

kh22 發表於 2013-10-8 11:25

個人覺得87演唱會是Sam Hui 最精彩的一次演出,當年他因拍衛斯理差D死過翻生,幾乎要收山,可幸復原迅速,再開這次演唱會,當時我是看80元的山頂飛,記憶尤深他唱宇宙無限,spaceman came travelling 和danger zone,三首直落,一氣呵成,狀態顛峯,加上Donald嘅鼓,Peter同Eugene嘅結他.至為經典,之後92年的告別演唱會亦及此次.

kh22 發表於 2013-10-10 21:21

繼續搖滚,Whitesnake Live in the heart of the city,David Coverdale離開Deep Purple自組白蛇,初頭仍走hard rock & blues 路線,Walking in the shadow of the blues, An't no love in the heart of the city, Fool for your loving,仍然出色,也有玩DP時期的Mistreated.

kh22 發表於 2013-10-10 21:32

本帖最後由 kh22 於 2013-10-10 22:10 編輯

Live in the shadow of blues 後期改变风格,較heavy metal 和商業路線,但快慢歌仍煞食,Is this love, Crying in the rain, the deeper the love.

kh22 發表於 2013-10-10 21:39

本帖最後由 kh22 於 2013-10-10 21:43 編輯

近期的Made in Britain,Forevermore, One of these days,Disc two 清唱Soldier of Fortune{:6_193:} 個人比較喜歌旱期的whitesnake,比較blues 和無禁商業.

kh22 發表於 2013-10-16 23:41

MSG (Michael Schenker Group) Rock will never die, Doctor,doctor, Into the arena{:6_193:}
MSG (Mcauley Schenker Group) unplugged live
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