TEAC UD501 / Pioneer LX 86
問FREIND 借左部TEAC UD501 VS PIONEER LX86 DAC聽陳潔儀心動, 琴聲清脆左, 佢把聲溫柔晒
但係問題黎, 因為我當PIONEER 做後級推SPEAKER
PIONEER 原來係咁話“OVER”, 睇manual 話 "light to indicate reducing the lvl of an analog signal"
有無CHING 知點解會咁?正常volumejar wor 你點樣接線ga?
Player??? >optical?>coaxial?/USB?> TEAC UD501 >>> RCA to LX86 >>> speaker(LX86 仲要扭去相配的輸入bor!) Mac-> USB -> teac -> RCA -> pioneer CD IN chung904 發表於 2013-8-22 14:57 static/image/common/back.gif
Mac-> USB -> teac -> RCA -> pioneer CD IN
看你的接線並沒有問題, 建議你試試將RCA插去AV AMP另一組RCA輸入, 如DVD, DVR.....
檢查rca插得緊唔緊, 是否完全插入.....
因為這樣的接線純粹用av amp推喇叭, 不應該有問題. 可能輸出太大,部UD-501's analog out有冇得set direct mode,我部Fostex HP-A8如果唔set direct mode,可以控制輸出大小。 TEAC UD501系咪有Pre-Amp功能?應該系個RCA輸出比部AMP太大呀。 Thx all Chung helping
睇左manual, 無direct mode
UD501 都無pre amp...
而家完全唔敢試,驚部lx86 死左
有無Ching 有idea ? 這是一種很正常的插線/使用,如果正常的使用av amp而有問題, 就是av amp有問題,
建議你要問問pioneer啦!及早正視! According to the manual, you may switch on "Analog input attenuate" to prevent this
The input attenuator lowers the input level of an analog signal when it’s too strong. You can use this if you find that the OVER indicator lights often or you can hear distortion in the sound. The attenuator isn’t available with digital sources, or when using the Stream Direct (ANALOG DIRECT) modes.
Hope it can help! :) 有兩個問題想問問樓主…
1. 當知道Over前後其間,你自己聽唔聽到拆聲?
2. 個 source 點黎?