lukalok 發表於 2009-7-29 01:42

No extended Lord of the Rings....

before 2010 and more on the regular Blu-ray releasaes

Comic Con has given us a little more information on the upcoming Blu-ray release of "Lord of the Rings."

Peter Jackson has confirmed that the extended cut of the movies will not be released before the holiday season 2010. However, New Line has contacted Peter Jackson regarding new extras but no details on what it could be was revealed.

The theatrical cuts should be released this coming November 3rd. Stay tuned for more details.

Laison 發表於 2009-7-29 02:18

bad news for all the Blu-ray fans. {:1_247:}

劉一舟 發表於 2009-7-29 03:18

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-7-29 03:21 編輯


And here's something you might be interested to know about: now has New Line's The Lord of the Rings Trilogy available for pre-order on Blu-ray (the films are the theatrical editions only - SRP is $99.98 but Amazon's price is about $70 for the set). The street date is still TBA, but our sources are telling us to expect a December release. Sources close to director Peter Jackson have informed me that he's saving the extended editions of the films for an "ultimate" box set release closer to the debut of the new Hobbit films - that's why these BDs are set to be theatrical only. That's obviously not going to satisify every fan, but it gives them something in the meantime. As was the case with the original DVD release, at least you're now aware in advance that a more elaborate release is coming eventually if you'd prefer to wait for it. For Warner's part, I've officially confirmed with the studio that this initial Blu-ray release is real and it's coming before the end of this year, but I'm told it won't be officially announced for another few months yet. So you should probably still consider this release to be semi-official and subject to change. Just FYI.]

doubt 發表於 2009-7-29 21:05

其實係唔係都預左extended blu-ray要The Hobbit上畫左右先有,做勢ma~

梗係覺得以前new line做碟有heart好多,d白金系列正到呢~~依家wb pick up番好行囉~
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