r32 發表於 2013-8-16 10:02

Apple Laser Projector

本帖最後由 r32 於 2013-8-16 10:09 編輯



Apple has obtained the approval of its patent application for a new projector technology whose light source is devoted to a combined system and laser light that could be used independently in projectors, laptops, smartphones or tablets.

Apple filed U.S. patent 8,502,926, under the name "display system having coherent and incoherent sources of" light, September 30, 2009, this patent has received its approval from the U.S. administration.

The mixture of laser and light source lamp may be combined in order to project an image.The manufacturer states that its technology could be used in a full-size projector, but the device can also be reduced to be built in mini-projectors and other portable devices.

Apple engineers have left the following observation:

Laser projectors that reproduce images using light called "coherent" over headlamps with light sources called "incoherent s" lamp is opposed.The problem of laser projectors is that they often require larger amounts of energy.Due to their increased electricity needs, these laser-based broadcasters need complicated cooling circuits, factors that increase the cost and size of the devices.Another typical fault a laser projector, is the effect of Speck, the "Speckling", which is a marked effect of grain may appear in the projected image.Finally default last but not least, laser projectors full, they are expensive.

To remove all these defects inherent in the laser projection, Apple has created a solution combining incoherent light source (such as LED for example) to a laser diode.

The principle is the following: an incoherent light source is coupled to a source of coherent light beam to produce a coherent and incoherent combination of light to project images.By combining the light from the incoherent light source with the light from the coherent light source, the power level of the laser will be reduced in the combined light beam while continuing to receive a clear and accurate picture.Due to the lower power levels for sources of light combined this device does not require complex cooling system and can be reduced in size.The patent filed by Apple also includes cooling systems needed to control the temperature.

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