拉獨立電線, 裝修c fu話水線唔駛獨立拉一條!想問下大家如果水線同其他電器share, 有冇影響?
感謝大家 應該無影響,因水線正常時無電的{:1_351:} 多謝師兄 本帖最後由 nippon 於 2013-8-15 21:53 編輯
拉開,我就拉埋,費時遲些心思思後悔!反正拉開,價錢唔差得遠! 小心個所謂的"師傅"老點你
根據機電署的code of practice for electricity (wiring) regulations
除非穿鐵喉,而條鐵喉同其他小五金已經link 通左,同大地連接,又或者件電器係雙重絕緣(例如iphone charger),否則一定要做水線(circuit protective conductor(cpc))
"Unless other effective precautions are taken to prevent danger, such as the use of double insulated equipment or the use of isolating transformer to BSEN 61558 or equivalent, all exposed conductive parts of equipment (other than live parts) should be connected by means of circuit protective conductors (CPC) to the main earthing terminal of the installation and
the terminal should be connected to earth electrode(s) via earthing conductor(s)." 本帖最後由 ronan 於 2013-8-15 22:37 編輯
唔講法例,只講technical,一定係做獨立水線最好,最好係做一條獨立的水線,專係for av equipment,呢條水線同其他水線完全isolate,減少interference
好似戲院或theatre 咁,都會做clean earth ,即係一條獨立水線for av equipment ,呢條水線同他水線分開,咁d noise 就唔會由其他地方,經水線傳入av equipment 中,造成interference,咁個電源會乾淨好多,力水好之外,又唔會好似加左d 咩濾波電路或隔氣牛,影響力水
其次仲有安全考慮...... 甘如果一條獨立水線分俾四個獨立單蘇,同四條獨立水線有分別ma? 個C苦可以做少D,無拉得咁辛苦{:6_199:}